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4 Months Pregnant with Sweet Baby Mabry #2!


Now that we are “counting weeks and months” for pregnancy #2 in the Mabry family, it’s hard to believe we are already officially 4 months along ( and 17.5 weeks pregnant!) with our sweet baby boy – little Levi Rhett!! It really is true what they say… your second pregnancy (and I’m sure the following pregnancies after!) really does fly by – anddd your bump shows way sooner too, hehe!!

It still feels like I’m in baby blue heaven at the thought of another sweet baby boy to love and adore being a boy mama more than anything in the world!

I feel so honored and blessed that the Lord has chosen me to be a mama to these precious boys, and as hard as it is to imagine, I love resting in the knowledge that HE loves them way more than even me!!

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. // Jeremiah 31:3

You are a child of God, you are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in His sight. // Psalm 139

It has been so stinking sweet to be pregnant here at Christmas time –

like I keep saying, it really is the Christmas “gift that keeps on giving” –

because we get to spend the season soaking in these precious memories with just our little firstborn Judson

as we excitedly anticipate the birth of our second baby boy later on in the new year ahead

(and so special to think that I will have another tiny little baby in my arms next Christmas for his very first Christmas)!!

It is such a gift to get to spend this advent season anticipating in JOY the arrival of our Lord, Jesus Christ – coming to be born for us all – as I am also anticipating another sweet baby boy on the way! I can only imagine what Mary must have felt like, and am constantly so inspired by her courage, faith, and trust in God!!

I have been absolutely filled to the brim with joy and gratitude for this simple country life with my boys these days, and the Lord’s perfect timing in the closing of our farm sweet farm, and then shortly after, blessing us with baby #2 on the way!

Thank you, Jesus for your good good gifts from above and this sweet sweet season of life we are in!

We know that you are the Giver of all good things, and we know that all the glory goes to you – forever and ever, amen!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” // James 1:17

… And now here are more special memories since my last blog post –

mailing out Christmas cards with my boys (I sure do love “merry mail” season!),

a healthy 16-week appointment for sweet baby Mabry #2,

our annual Christmas trip to the Grove Park Inn (a tradition we look forward to every year!),

wrapping gifts by the Christmas tree with my little love,

Judson’s 2.5 Year-Old Doctor’s Appointment (so proud of our healthy growing baby boy!!),

naptime snuggles with Judson

(and little Levi Rhett in my belly hehe) by the twinkly tree,

packing up and shipping out allll the EMC orders with my adorable little “Santa’s Helper,”

our annual Christmas baking day with “Nana”

(another special tradition I cherish every year!),

a visit to see Santa (and Judson lovedddd him and melted my heart when he ran straight up into his arms!!),

and hosting our dear friends to our little “Christmas Cottage” for a fun holiday party!

Our cups and hearts are so full this magical Christmas season

and we are soaking in every moment with little Judson as we excitedly look forward to little Levi Rhett coming in just a few months!!

“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” // Isaiah 43:1

As soon as we found out the gender of Sweet Baby Mabry #2 - our little Levi Rhett - the first thing Wes, Judson, and I did was go pick out baby’s first little items and clothes at two of our favorite local small businesses – Southern Charm Gifts & Palmetto Twist!!

We did the same exact thing after finding out about our little Judson, and it is always so special to me getting to find out the gender “just as a family” and have “our little secret” before sharing the news with anyone else!! As soon as I saw the little lamb lovie blanket and the adorable little baseball glove and farm baby blanket (to match baby’s cow heartbeat stuffed animal), it just all made so much sense!! Our little Levi Rhett out on our farm sweet farm with Judson - his baby brother and built-in best friend for life!!

We have had the name “Levi Rhett” on our hearts for a while now, and as soon as I saw his whittle heart beating on the ultrasound screen, I just knew - “it was him all along!” My sweet baby boy #2!! Growing our family first with these two SONS - the prides and joys of my life!! It is always so important to me to have names that we have prayed over and asked the Lord for in the time leading up to finding out the gender, and man, it is the best feeling being able to put a NAME to this little miracle’s frame - that God is forming and creating in my womb!!

If I’m being honest, I struggle with a lot of fear in those early weeks of pregnancy (as I’m sure all women do!!) because all you’re going off of is a little positive pregnancy test, and it causes me to rely on the Lord in such a deeper and richer way - and for that, I’m so very grateful.

He has been faithful every single step of the way, and I have always loved calling and praying for my babies by NAME from the very start, because I truly believe (and have seen) that the Lord sees POWER in our names - “Fear NOT… I have called you by NAME. You are MINE!” (Isaiah 43:1)!!

Always so much fun packing up Christmas cards with my love!! My most favorite time of the year!!

We have been blessed beyond measure - closing on our dream farm and then being blessed with another baby on the way - Thank you, Jesus!! WHAT A YEAR!! #landandbabies #christmascardseason #mintedchristmascards #mintedholiday #favoritetimeofyear

Click here to see a fun little video of our Christmas Card packing night!!

I had my 16-Week Appt a couple weeks ago for sweet baby Levi Rhett - and his whittle heartbeat was a healthy 157!! He is growing strong and healthy in there - what a blessing from God!! I will never get over the MIRACLE it is getting to grow life in my womb, and man, there is nothing like hearing that sweet heavenly sound!!

And a big milestone… we went on a long evening walk out in the chilly weather to go see the sunset over the mountains by our house, and as soon as we got back inside, I immediately started feeling Levi Rhett moving and kicking like CRAZY in my belly - and he didn’t stop for the next hour or so!!! I had felt little “butterfly feelings” here and there before, but this was the first time I was SURE it was him!!

This is almost exactly the same time I first felt kicks with Judson!! I may or may not have teared up!! This is my favorite part of pregnancy and gosh, I will never get over the amazing gift it is to carry and bring new life!! I’m that crazy girl who LOVES being pregnant - it truly is such a sweet season to me (especially being pregnant at Christmas time)!! Thank you, Jesus, for the best gift ever!!

And between playing outside all day in the dirt and leaves,

to taking care of our chickens,

driving to see all the pretty Christmas lights around town,

and packing/shipping out all kinds of EMC orders

this busy Christmas season,

these truly are the sweetest days with my little Judson!

I am so very thankful for these precious days with him in this season of life!!

I just know he is going to be the best big brother ever - and I can’t get over how much he loves to hug, kiss, and “pat pat” baby in mama’s belly - I’m just constantly a puddle over here!!

The absolute most merry, cozy, and magical December 1st spent at the Grove Park Inn with my Christmas loves!! #groveparkchristmas #christmastradition

Click here to see a sweet recap video of our magical trip to the Grove Park Inn this year!!

This has been such a special tradition of ours since Judson was born,

and it’s so special coming back this year with another baby on the way now, too!!

I look forward to coming here all year long - truly the perfect way to start off the holiday season and get us in the Christmas spirit!!

It is always so wonderful getting to walk around and admire all of the elaborate gingerbread houses,

enjoy hot cocoa by the giant fireplace,

take in the stunning view of the mountains,

and sit on Santa’s sleigh -

Judson even made good friends with the head woodworker at the inn and loved watching him putting out all of the Christmas elves -

it was so adorable to see Judson taking in all of the magic, joy, beauty, and wonder of this beautiful time of year!!

Happy December 1st, y’all! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and our hearts are oh so merry and bright this special Christmas season!

The Grove Park Inn at Christmas time is one of our very favorite traditions every single year!! Judson had so much fun this year taking in all of the Christmas wonder and especially loved sitting on Santa’s sleigh!!

We have so very much to be grateful for this Christmas season and it is already off to the sweetest start!!

The first weekend of December was full of so many of my favorite things -

finishing up our Christmas shopping in the cutest hallmark downtown of ours while walking through all of the Christmas lights,

mailing out our Christmas cards,

a little impromptu Santa visit,

a baby shower for a dear friend,

and all the holiday cheer!!

And that sweet Sunday evening was spent gift wrapping by the Christmas tree with my favorite little helper (& another in my belly hehe)!

Goodness, what a gift of wonder and JOY it is being pregnant at Christmas time, and soaking in this very last Christmas season with just my little Judson before we have our baby Levi Rhett here with us next year for his very first Christmas!! Savoring every moment - this season is such a gift!!

I already have everything I want for Christmas this year!! #giftwrapping #bestgiftever #growingourfamilybytwofeet

Our sweet little Judson had his 2.5-year-old doctor’s appointment last week and we couldn’t be more proud of our growing, strong, healthy baby boy (& future big brother hehe)!! #2andahalfyearold #gratefulhearts

We are so thankful to the Lord for a perfectly healthy little boy and the doctor even pointed out how much he has grown even since his last appointment and that he is now 75-85th percentile in both weight AND height - looks like we really may have a future linebacker on our hands (like all of his nursery teachers keep saying haha)!!

He is such a good eater and growing so big and strong!! His speech is incredible, and we are so proud of our smart, sweet, handsome, and strong healthy firstborn son (and future big bro to Levi Rhett)!!! And when it was time to make his next appointment, it hit Wes and I that the next “official appointment” we have at the pediatrician’s office will be with our newborn Levi Rhett come May!! Eek!! #futurebigbrother #brotherbesties

And with that being said… when we got back from our appointment and it was time for nap, Judson came and snuggled by the Christmas tree with mama - it just doesn’t get better than those sweet Judson snuggles at Christmastime!!

You are such a dream, my angel baby boy and firstborn son - and I sure am soaking up and savoring every single BIT of these final months with just you and so excited that you’re going to have a newborn baby brother bestie before we know it!! My heart is overflowing with JOY being surrounded by all of these BOYS, and man, these truly are the days!! #boymama #boymamalife

Merriest Monday naptime spent snuggling this little Christmas love of mine by the sparkly tree (and another little love in mama’s belly)!! Cherishing allll the lovin’ these days with my firstborn Judson as we anticipate in wonder and JOY this Christmas season - the heavenly arrival of Jesus and then a sweet baby brother for Judson coming in the new year (can’t believe I’ll have another tiny baby in my arms to snuggle next Christmas)!! Sweetest Christmas gift of all in being loved by allll of these precious boys of mine!! #merrymonday #christmasloves #christmassnuggles #snugglesbythechristmastree #cozychristmas

Click here to see a sweet memory snuggling Judson by the Christmas tree – my favorite snuggles every single year!!

That feeling when Santa tells you that you’re getting a baby BROTHER come May!!! #babybrotherontheway #bestgiftever #pregnantatchristmastime #thegiftthatkeepsongiving

Happy December and Advent Season, sweet friends!! I can’t believe it’s officially the most wonderful time of the year - a time when we celebrate the birth of our very greatest gift of all - Jesus Christ our Lord - the Light of the World!! And what a sweet sweet gift from the Lord that I get to be pregnant this year at Christmas time and relate to Mary in a whole new way - as we anticipate in wonder, awe, and JOY the arrival of another precious baby boy coming to our very own family soon!! God has just been too good to us this Christmas and I can’t wait to raise all these boys out on our farm sweet farm!! #babyontheway #bestchristmasgiftever #joyfulexpectation #babybrothercomingsoon #landandbabies

It’s been “Santa’s Workshop” over at EMC (Emily Mabry Creative) lately - and I’m oh so very grateful for all of the fun orders I’ve been able to work on for sweet customers this Christmas season!!

I love my job & love that I can work this sweet business during naptimes and after Judson goes to sleep at night!!

What a gift for this stay-at-home mama!!

Andddd with that being said, we are officially just over #17weekspregnant (!!!) with sweet baby #2 and I can hardly believe it!!

It feels like such a sweet and special blessing from God to be pregnant at Christmas time - truly the gift that keeps on giving into the new year ahead!! #christmasseason

And after helping mama with packing and shipping EMC orders all week,

this little Santa’s helper got to do some of his own art, too –

he was so proud of his “Christmas tree” masterpiece hehe)!!!

Our little cutie wants to be an artist, just like mama!!

Our week has been filled with all the Christmas joy that makes us oh so happy -

EMC “busy season,”

writing Christmas cards

(Judson loveddd helping me “count” them hehe),

an icecream date downtown

to admire all the pretty Christmas lights,

a “big boy” haircut for our handsome cutie,

fun Christmas crafts at his weekly nursery class,

and all the holiday magic this time of year!!

We had the absolute sweetest festive Friday baking Christmas cookies and goodies with “Nana” -

one of our very favorite traditions every single year!!!

My sweet mama (& very best friend!!) came up Friday morning

to bake her signature Christmas cookies

(my grandmas old traditional recipe that my mom has been making with us since we were little girls!!)

and Christmas chex mix (another family favorite since my very own childhood) with Judson -

one of our favorite traditions since he was just a tiny baby now

(and can’t wait for our tiny little baby Levi Rhett to get to join next year hehe)!!

We spent our day laughing and having a ball in the kitchen

and it was such a merry, bright, and festive Friday -

spent making the sweetest holiday season memories!!

We love getting to share these goodies with loved ones and neighbors this time of year,

and this is a tradition I look forward to all year long!!

There is just nothing like baking with “Nana!”

And Judson LOVED seeing Santa that night in our cutie little Christmas town!!!

He had been so excited about seeing him alllll day and ran right up into his arms!!

Between the magical lights downtown to the joy of seeing Christmas through his little eyes,

this truly is the most wonderful time of year

and we are soaking up every bit of this sweet last Christmas season with Judson before little baby Levi Rhett is here to join us for all our festivities next year!!

This has already been the sweetest Christmas ever, and we are so grateful for our growing family!! #savortheseason #christmasmagic #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear

Click here to see a fun little video of our annual Christmas baking with “Nana” - one of our favorite traditions of all - and then a trip to see Santa in our little Hallmark Christmas-like small town!!

Sweet time making memories with loved ones

and spreading cheer this time of year is what the Christmas season is all about!! #bakingwithnana #whatchristmasmeanstome #christmasbaking #christmastradition #tistheseason

And lastly, we had the very best time hosting our dear friends

for the sweetest Christmas party!!!

I love hosting in our little “Christmas cottage”

and it filled my cup so much!!!

I sure do enjoy a “full house” and spending this time of year with people we love (& get to raise babies with -

and can’t believe we will be adding two more sweet baby boys to the gang in the new year)!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

We are absolutely overflowing with joy and gratitude this special Christmas season as we are so very grateful to God for his good good gifts to our growing family!!

So cherishing these precious days with just Judson, and so excited for our new little addition – Levi Rhett – to join us in the new year ahead!! It truly is the most wonderful time of year!!



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