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6 Months Pregnant with Sweet Baby Mabry #2!


As of today, I am officially 6 months pregnant with Sweet Baby Mabry #2 – our precious little Levi Rhett (and tiny valentine on the way hehe) – and just 5 days away from entering my third trimester… which is honestly SO hard to believe!!

This pregnancy has been flying by and been full of so much love, joy, and happiness as I have been spending my days soaking in all the memories with our sweet little firstborn Judson while awaiting in wonder and excitement for baby brother to be here soon!

I feel so very blessed to have had another beautiful healthy pregnancy thus far and am so grateful to God for the gift of this precious life growing and being knit together in my womb!!

I say this all the time, but I truly love being pregnant and feeling all the kicks and movements all day long…. to me,

it is such a beautiful picture of the “new thing” God is always doing in and through our lives as we walk step by step in adventure with Him!!


“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” // Isaiah 43:19


There is something so beautiful and magical about your second pregnancy… maybe the excitement is so much more because you DO know a little more of what to expect, and you know the immense gift and heavenly JOY that babies are!

There is nothing in the whole wide world like meeting your baby for the first time and holding them close in your arms,

and I just can’t believe that I am about to experience that again in just a couple more months!!

When I first met Judson, I remember feeling like it was a “thin space,” where I felt heaven touch earth in a way I had never experienced before.

Maybe that’s why it says in Psalm 127:3, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”  

Thank you, Jesus, for blessing our growing family with these two SONS first… we are so grateful!!


“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” // Psalm 127:4-5


We are currently down at the beach (our happy place!) for one last little family beach getaway before baby brother arrives in May, and I can’t believe that the next time we are here… we will have another little beach baby in our arms to love!!

I love that God has given us two May babies (well, we will see whenever Levi Rhett decides to come!) because it is such a joyful time of year! I saw someone share that the month of February is the “border between winter and spring,” and I feel like May is the “border between spring and summer” – my two favorite seasons (but let’s be real… I love them all haha)!

But as we are entering the final weeks of winter, it is making me oh so excited for spring and all of the new life ahead…

especially for our growing family as we will be welcoming another tiny baby in the months ahead!!


… And now here are more special memories since my last blog post –

a month full of so many sweet wintertime memories

and soaking in these days with our firstborn, sweet little Judson, before baby brother arrives!!

Our days have been full of fetching eggs from our chickens,

lots of sweet little trips to the local children’s museum,

time spent out at our favorite local farm,

sunset walks overlooking the mountains,

making lots of yummy homemade sourdough bread

and goodies,

throwing a baby shower for one of my dearest friends,

soaking in all of the kicks (and kisses from Judson) with my growing belly hehe,

all the “love month” lovin’ from my sweet valentine boys,

taking Judson to his very first movie theatre experience,

finding my double stroller (starting to prep for baby #2 – woohoo!),

our valentines weekend beach getaway,

and so much more!!


To start off my recap of this past month… there’s nothing like starting our day fetching eggs

(with our cutie new “Mabry Farm” basket from my bestie Emily Tisdale) from our ladies - who are still laying lots this winter (go ladies go)!! Yay for #farmfresheggs!! #judsonandhischickadees #raisingchickens #sweetlittlememories #countryliving #mamahen


Click here to see a little video of what our winter mornings look like going out to fetch our eggs!!


Sweetest rainy family fun day spent at the children’s museum!! Between the library nook slide, bubbles room, giant train station table, and more… I’m honestly not sure who had more fun, Judson or Wes haha!!

We ended up getting a family membership because it was just too much fun - we can’t wait to spend cold winter days and hot summer afternoons here (once sweet baby Levi Rhett is here to hang in the stroller bassinet with us hehe)!!

These truly are the days - making such special family memories out and about with our sweet firstborn before baby #2 gets here soon!!


Click here to see a little recap of our fun family trip to the children’s museum – such a blast!!


As I shared about this past week on my blog to start off 2024, my word for this new year is “Abundant” -

and I am already soaking up every bit of these cozy and slow winter days with my sweet boys (& baby #2 on the way)!!


Here’s a pic of me at #22weekspregnant with our little coconut (apparently that’s the baby’s size here) hehe!! Between my bump really poppin’ these days,

soaking in every bit of baby snuggles with my firstborn these days,

Lowe’s trips

as we are making some fun updates to this sweet little house before baby gets here,

walks all around town and to the post office,

and sweet playdates with friends…

it sure was a fun lil’ January week!!


Finally took down our Christmas tree and headed to drop it off at the sweetest little local farm for the goats (they’ve been requesting them)!!

It was such a fun little Saturday outing and the goats lovedddd the tree!! #cherrymountainfarm #saturdayadventures


We always love driving out to Cherry Mountain Farm (right near us for this season!!) to spend a morning - and Judson (ofcourse) left with a new little wooden tractor toy hehe

andddd I bought the first little item for Levi Rhett’s nursery - this adorable little red truck cow farm painting to put on display!!!

I have so many fun ideas for his cutie little farm-themed nursery (I even made a little pic of my “vision board”) and this will be such a perfect little touch!! #firstnurserypurchase #farmnursery #babynumbertwo #levirhettsnursery


Click here to see our fun little visit out to the farm to give our Christmas tree to the goats!


What a gift this abundant life is - soaking in the sweetest January days with the people I love!! #januaryweekendrecap


This January weekend was full of all the joy - lots of “Dada” and Judson giggles hehe,

the most cup and soul-filling afternoon visit

to go see my high school bestie, Annie, and her adorable family

(to celebrate her recent birthday and sweet baby Jobin’s very first birthday),

making allll the birthday cards and treats for Judson’s “Papa Jack,”

and working on getting caught up on filling out baby books!!


Bundled up sunset walks with this mountain view (we could even see snow on some of the caps!!) right by our home will never get old!!

So very thankful for this sweet little country life with my best boys these days… what a season of life this is - #landandbabies - and so so much to look forward to ahead!!! #chaseyourdreams #liveonpurpose #abundantliving #keepsongettingbetter #lifeisanadventure #winteradventures


Click here to see a lil’ video I took of one of our evening sunset walks – our favorite!!


And click here to see a fun little video clip of some favorite memories these days…. living and building the life I always dreamed of…

raising babies and making our little house the sweetest home -

full of home-cooked foods, lots of lovin’ and snuggles,

all the play learning, and making the most of this one beautiful life Jesus has given us to steward and live!! #abundantliving #countryliving #sourdoughbaking #raisingchickens #farmfresheggs #playlearning #anotherbabyontheway #raisingbabies #livingmydream


Soaking in every single bit of this sweet season with my firstborn at the sweetest two-year-old age, while anticipating with joy and excitement the arrival of our sweet baby Levi Rhett!! #sweetestseason #soakingitallup


And speaking of… my little baby bump sure is growing… and in this picture, I am officially #23weekspregnant with my little “grapefruit” (current baby size here) hehe!! Apparently 23 weeks is a big pregnancy milestone (according to my pregnancy devotional) - so I’m feeling so so grateful for this little life and gift from God!!!


These truly are “the days” - full of allll the “big brother training,”

bathtime giggles,

library morning outings,

all the sourdough baking and cooking with my tiny sous chef,

painting fun, and sunset mountain view walks with my country boys - I sure do love this life!!

And somehow, it just keeps on getting better and better - glory to God!


You are going to be the BEST big brother, my sweet little Judson!! He got Levi Rhett’s heartbeat animal the other afternoon and pretended like he was the baby!!

It was so cute… he wanted to give him kisses, a bottle of milk, color with him, and even wanted to give him a bath haha - be still my heart!!! #bigbrotherjudson


Literally couldn’t love this angel baby boy more if I tried!!! Judson is so silly, FUN and just full of pure JOY!!!

He makes every day a good day, and I’m so grateful God gave me him first!!!

Always keeping me smiling and laughing and can’t believe he is going to be a big brother before we know it!!


Such a joy getting to co-host the sweetest shower with these dear friends to celebrate sweet baby Jett!!!

You are so easy to celebrate, and we love you so much, Emily - and can’t wait to meet your baby boy!!!

What a gift from the Lord it has been to get to walk through the blessing of pregnancy together again with baby boys!!


And then we had such a fun afternoon at Brewer’s birthday party!!! Happy 3rd birthday, sweet boy - oh how we love you so!!! Such a cute party, Kristen - thanks for having us!!


What a wonderful Saturday full of alllll the celebrations for people I love!!! #saturdayfun #allthecelebrations


Sunday sweetness and forever stealin’ allll the kisses from my sweet little forever mama’s boy hehe!!

Can’t believe I’ll have ANOTHER sweet mama’s boy to love in just a couple more months!!

Cherishing these sweet days making alllll the fun memories with you before baby brother arrives,

my sweet sweet firstborn baby boy!!!


I am so thankful for this joy-filled season of my life with my growing family,

and truly just so very grateful to God for His many many blessings - today and everyday!!

It was another full weekend full of a little museum day date with Judson,

lots of shower prepping for a dear friend,

a birthday party for one of Judson’s friends,

getting out our Valentine’s Day decor,

and ended up doing a little bit of shopping with my boys last night at the outlet malls as we are starting to do some prepping for Judson’s big boy room and baby Levi Rhett’s farm nursery!!

As everyone keeps saying, it really is gonna be here before we know it!!


Lord knows the best thing that I’ll ever do will be… growing up raising you 🫶🏽 #growingupraisingyou


Cherishing every bit of these days with our sweet angel firstborn, before baby brother gets here before we know it!!!

Typical mornings for us these days consist of a little EMC post office run,

fun exploring out and about at the playground,

and alllll the books!!

And then most nights when “Dada” gets home from work, we love to go on family walks on the trails near us with these mountain views - wild and free, just like we like to be!! ✨ #thesearethedays #soakinginthisseason


Click here to see what life has been looking like these days – so sweet!


Can’t believe it’s (less than!!) 4 months until baby brother arrives! In this pic, I am #24weekspregnant and my heart is just so full of joy at the thought of Judson having a baby brother and built-in bestie for life!!

Anddd it makes me so excited (& just hit me today!) to think that Judson will have his baby brother here just a couple weeks before his birthday (in late May) and I’ll have 2 (!!) babies in my arms a month or so (depending on when he decides to come) before my birthday (in mid-June) -

what a gift from Jesus little Levi Rhett is going to be to us all!!! #bestgiftever


Soaking in every minute of this precious season with my firstborn as we wait in wonder, excitement, and joy for baby bro to be here soon!!!  I loveee being pregnant and cherish all of these little baby kicks and belly kisses from Judson so much!!  

I’m in my homemaker/mama era and living my very favorite season yet!! #babybrothercomingsoon #raisingboys #brothers #brotherbesties


During nightly storytime these days (and all the time), Judson loves to put his hand on mama’s belly, and it completely melts my heart!! A memory I never want to forget!! #24weeks #babynumbertwo #bestillmyheart #bigbrotherjudson


Can’t believe that in this picture we are already at the #24weekspregnant mark, my sweet lil’ baby cantaloupe (baby’s current size here according to my pregnancy app)!!!

Truly cherishing this sweet season with you in my belly, Levi Rhett!!! And can’t wait to meet you before we know it! #babybrothercomingsoon


Anddd oh happy day … I passed my big glucose test (#iykyk) at my 24-week appointment!! Yay!! Baby’s heartbeat was 146 and the doctor said all my levels looked good!!

We celebrated afterwards with a little blueberry scone date hehe! #wheninsparklecity


So thankful for a healthy perfectly growing baby boy on the inside,

and the sweetest days these last few months with just my firstborn (on the outside)!!

Thank you, Jesus, for these blessings from above!!


The other night, I whipped up some homemade sourdough chocolate chip cookies… and little J and I went out the next morning to deliver them to my cousins who live nearby!!

And when Judson woke up, he wanted to make a card for Nick, too (my cousin’s husband was really sick with pneumonia and still recovering from it all -

so we wanted to lift some spirits)!! Hoping to spread lots of love this “love month” ahead! #bakedwithlove #spreadthelove #homemadecookies #sourdoughchocolatechipcookies #allthelove #homemadelove


Click here to see our fun little time making and sharing the yummiest homemade sourdough chocolate chip cookies!!


PS. Linked Judson’s cutie new Valentine’s Day pajamas for y’all (found at Carter’s!!) over on my LTKit shop (link is shared further down on this blog post)! Follow along with our family there and to shop all things pregnancy, lifestyle, family, and holiday (as we step into Valentine’s Day season)!!


Spent another evening back out at our “happy place” at the local farm near us - feeding the goats, saying hi to the horsies, and soaking in the most beautiful sunset over the pasture!

A night to remember for sure! So thankful for this country life with my boys!!!


Highlight of our night was Judson walking right up to the horsie and saying “Hi Horsie! I love you!!”  This sweet animal-loving boy melts my heart constantly!!! Soaking in every bit of this sweet, sweet season with just him before baby Levi Rhett is here to join us for all of our family adventures soon!! #fridaynightfun #nighttoremember


Click here to see another fun little evening spent out at the farm!


It was such a sweet and simple little weekend - full of horses and goats,

cookie baking & delivering with my tiny baker, front porch rainy day hangin’, painting fun,

cousin playing,

a Waffle House date,

bringing out all of the Valentine’s Day books, and more -

and my heart is so full of gratitude for this sweet season of life with my boys!! It just keeps on getting better - thank you, Jesus!! #weekendrecap #simpleandsweet


I’m gonna hold you forever my sweet valentines!! Just a couple more days until it’s officially “love month,”

and this Sunday was full of alllll the sweetness (kisses from Judson and kicks from sweet baby Levi Rhett growing in my belly hehe) from my cutie valentines!!


PS. Linked my favorite Beauty Counter lipstick (cue the kisses hehe) and this bump-friendly dress from Belk over on my LTKit shop as well (link shared later on in my blog post)!! Like I said above, head on over and follow me there to shop all things “valentines” this season!!


Click here to see the sweetest little valentine’s pics we took to get in the spirit of “love month!”


Someone sure was excited for “Dada” to get home from work the other day!!! We sure do love you, Daddy!! #daddysboy


Click here to see the sweetest video captured of Judson welcoming “Dada” home from work – be still my heart!!


Forever stealin’ kisses from my sweet valentines!!! Happy February 1st y’all… it’s officially “love month” in our home!!

I sure do love being a #boymama and getting all the lovin’ from my Valentine boys (& baby #2 kickin’ away in my belly hehe) this time of year!! #hellofebruary #myvalentines #stealinkisses #lovemonth #valentinestradition #anothervalentineontheway


It’s officially February and “love month” around here,

and my heart is so full of love and gratitude for this beautiful life we get to live!!  

Anddd officially #25weekspregnant in this picture

and our growing family was one whole week closer to meeting our sweet baby Levi Rhett!!


The last week of January was full of park playtime,

lots of playing outside in the dirt

(#boymama life is the life for me)

thanks to lots of sunshine,

still getting lots of eggs from our ladies,

lots of singing “Jesus loves me” by Judson

(he just loves to sing it randomly and all the time while he’s playing),

the SWEETEST and most thoughtful surprise package in the mail

with goodies/clothes for the boys

(and even matching outfits for Judson and Levi Rhett!!) from sweet Alexandra (we love you),

and more!!

And we started off this very first day of February with the sweetest little playdate to the children’s museum with my friend Kristen and her precious fam!!

Love getting to raise all these baby boys together -

such a gift!!


Happy “love month,” y’all!

It’s off to a sweet little start!!


Judson loved his very first movie experience - going to see “Migration” - it was sooo cute!!

We had the whole theatre to ourselves and had so much fun!!

And then we picked up our BOB double stroller (which has been my dream for baby #2 !!) that my amazing hubby (Wes is the king of finding deals) found on MACbid!! The sweetest early Valentine’s Day present ever for this future mama of two (Valentine’s Day came early this year)!!


It was a happy happy Friday and such a special start to the “love month” season -

getting to make all of these sweet last memories with just our firstborn before baby brother gets here in just a couple months!!


Click here to see Judson’s first movie experience – such a sweet memory!!


The very first weekend of “love month” sure was a sweet one with my Valentine boys!!

We took Judson to his very first movie,

Valentine’s Day came early for this future mama of two with Wes finding my dream double stroller (starting to prep for baby #2, and getting oh so excited),

naptime snuggles with both of my babies,

lots of renos going on at my great grandparents’ old farmhouse these past couple of weeks

(we have been getting the bathrooms redone & now a large back deck put in - which will be sooo nice for when baby #2 gets here soon so we can sit out in the sun and watch the sunrise and sunset over the mountains! It’s been such a gift to live in this sweet home for this season as we have our land now, too!!),

and the sweetest time getting to celebrate our favorite Caylee

(who has meant SO much to our family over the years and BSFBC College Ministry) at the sweetest “housewarming” party before she moves to Charleston,

where we know God has huge plans for her there!!


Soaking in every bit of these precious days with my firstborn baby bear valentine -

and the bump for baby #2 is poppppinnnnn’ y’all!!

We have been loving our walks by the country creek to the playground

and soaking in all of the gorgeous sunshine that is making us oh so excited for the warmer spring months ahead and new life (!!!) with us getting closer & closer to meeting baby brother on the way!! #babybrotherontheway #thesearethedays #lovemonth


PS. And yes… we are veryyyy into the “brother bear” soundtrack these days hehe as we await baby brother Levi Rhett - Judson’s future built in bestie for life!! #brotherbears #bigbrotherjudson #babybrothercomingsoon


Click here to see a sweet little video clip of a beautiful February day we had this week!


These truly are the days!!  Thank you, Jesus, for my sweet Valentine boys - and can’t believe I am #26weekspregnant as of this week with our newest tiny Valentine on the way!!

What a sweet blessing and gift it is to be loved by all of these sweet boys of mine!!


This past week has been full of lots of “love month” goodness -

Judson was so brave

and did great at his dentist appointment

(he got a wonderful report and yay for being in the “no cavity club”),

sweet “mommy and Judson” mornings spent on the walking trails and playground,

evening family bike rides

and porch hanging’,

and lots of snuggles with Red

(and someone was soooo excited to head down to the beach later the next day for our annual little valentines weekend beach getaway -

hence the ocean fishies jammies he wore to sleep that night haha)!!

Soaking in every bit of these last couple months with our little Judson before Levi Rhett is here to join us in all of our family fun before we know it!!


So grateful to be back at our “happy place”

for our annual little valentines beach getaway weekend with my sweet beach boys!!!

Also, hi #26weekspregnant baby bump hehe! #valentinesbeachgetaway

My heart is so full of love and gratitude for this growing family of mine and all that God is doing in our lives! So very much to be thankful for!! He is good!!! #blessedbeyondmeasure #lifeisagift #myvalentines #lovemyvalentines

This valentines weekend beach trip has been one of our favorite traditions since we first got married and we truly look forward to it every single year!!

It’s so fun to watch our family continue to grow and can’t believe that the next time we are here, our newest little valentine “on the way” in sweet baby #2 - Levi Rhett - will get to join us, too!! #valentinesweekendgetaway #myvalentines

Today has been full of the sweetest beach day fun

with my valentine boys -

sand digging,

shark teeth collecting,

and tide pool splashing - these are the days!! I have always said… tide pools are one of God’s greatest gifts to children!!

Some of my most cherished memories from childhood, and now Judson’s too!! #giftsfromgod

You’ll always be my forever beach baby, sweet Judson!!

I am soaking in all of the naptime snuggles these days with you on the outside and baby Levi Rhett in my belly!! #myblessings #mybeachbabies #blessedbeyondmeasure

Then we watched the sunset over the ocean before heading out

for a yummy early valentines dinner date night with my boys (got the fried shrimp this #pregnantmama has been craving hehe) &

chocolate covered strawberries to end the evening -

our valentines weekend tradition!!


And onto a little EMC note and in honor of “love month,” I wanted to take the chance to introduce myself and share a little bit more of my story and “heart” behind this sweet lettering art business of mine! Most importantly, what drives all that I do is knowing that I am a creative inspired by the true Creator – God.


I am a lover of Jesus, wife to Wes (coming up on 5 years soon!), mommy to our sweet 2 year old Judson & baby #2 (Levi Rhett) on the way, and dog momma to sweet Red! Wes and I met at a church dance after my first trip serving in Uganda, and shortly after we got engaged (after only dating about 7 months), I went back to Uganda to serve for the following summer and fall. This season grew my faith and courage like never before - and I believe that season really made me who I am today! Wes and I spent our last bit before our wedding working on our very first “fixer upper” and it was the most rewarding (& growing!) experience! We sold that home and had the opportunity to go live in an old family home for a season & prepare for what the Lord had next… and shortly after, we closed on our dream 15 acre farm!! A total God story!! We love getting to do life with our sweetie Judson and are savoring these precious days before baby brother gets here in May!!


Now to how EMC came to be... shortly after we arrived home from our honeymoon, I felt the Lord calling me to turn my love of crafting and lettering (that I first used to fundraise money to send back to Uganda) into a business - so I went out on a total leap of faith and started EMC - and it has been the most humbling experience to see how much it has grown and flourished since then! My husband is the College Pastor at our church and I get to run this sweet business from home while raising my babies!! It has been such a blessing from the Lord (and a “god wink”) to have this sweet business to help support my family and I am so grateful for what I get to do!


Thank y’all for supporting & following along with my creative business journey over here at EMC and, also, make sure to take advantage of the EMC Valentine’s BOGO Sale going on right now, too! Love y’all!


And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!


And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!


You can download the app and follow me here:


I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!


We are so grateful for all that the Lord is doing in our lives and how He is growing our family… and getting oh so excited to meet our sweet baby Mabry #2 – Levi Rhett – soon!!

We are cherishing these last months as a family of three before becoming a family of four soon and spreading all the love and joy this time of year – “love month,” and just a few days away from Valentine’s Day now!! Thank you for reading and following along with our family on this blog and on my Instagram – we are so thankful to have you here!!



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