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Five Months of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!


Happy happy five months

of the most joyful days

with our sweet little

baby pumpkin

cutie pie –

truly the JOY of our lives!!

This has been the sweetest fall

harvest season yet

as a brand new family of four

and we are soaking in allllll the special memories

with a precious new little baby

here in our arms

for all the snuggles, cuddles, and fall traditions this time of year!

We truly couldn’t be more smitten or in love with you, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett,

and every day just gets on getting sweeter and more fun with you –

the HAPPIEST little baby pumpkin in the whole wide world!!

As Wes likes to say,

you truly just smile at us all day long and it is the best thing ever!!


This past month has been full of all kinds of fall memories –

trips to our farm sweet farm,

slow porch mornings,

lots of walks and bike rides on the trails,

a trip to the local fall produce stand,

your 4-month check-up, hurricane days at home,

lots and lots of snuggles,

pumpkin painting on the back deck,

baby carrier naps

at church,

a trip to the corn maze,

lots of fall farm fun,

a trip to Strawberry Hill Farms (our favorite fall tradition every year!),

downtown walks to admire fall decor

and a trip to the children’s museum,

bible study days,

backyard fun with the garden

and chickens,

pumpkin carving fun, fall picnics by the lake,

and you got to attend your very first wedding

(and fell asleep on mama’s chest by the cotton fields – heaven on earth)!!


You are the sweetest little angel baby sent straight from heaven

and it has been such a precious gift to have a snuggly new little baby here in our arms just in time for “cozy season” –

and we truly couldn’t be more grateful!

Your joyful, easygoing, content, silly, and fun personality has really started to come out this month and it has been the best thing ever!!

You love to smile, giggle, coo, chat, play, roll over to “bubba” Judson (and pumpkins hehe – click here to see the video!),

play with your feet,

and are truly the most laid back and chill little babe!!

You adore your older brother and smile at him all day long as he reads to you and talks to you,

and Judson adores you right back!

It has been so stinking precious to watch y’all’s little sibling bond continue to grow and grow, and I know it’s only going to get sweeter!


You love to be worn in mama’s baby carrier,

loveeee to snuggle and be rocked in the rocker or on the porch swing (which I love too, hehe!),

can fall asleep and nap anywhere (the car, church, bible study, etc… which has been such a gift as a #mamaoftwo !), and have been a great sleeper at night, too!!

We truly feel so blessed and you have been the easiest, happiest baby ever!

Happy five months, our sweet baby pumpkin!!


And now to recap all the sweet memories since my last blog post (aka… the last month – so if you haven’t already… make sure to go read my birth story blog , “first 2 weeks” blog, one month of Levi Rhett blog, two months of Levi Rhett blog, three months of Levi Rhett blog, and four months of Levi Rhett blog, too!!


The very best kind of country weekend around here to ring in the fall season!!

We did some country drivin’ out to our farm sweet farm at sunset and ofcourse the boys wanted to put some more corn out for the deer -

and man, we love it out here so much (and tiny little Sweet Baby Levi Rhett took a little snooze in the truck hehe)!!

So peaceful and quiet out on our 15 acre slice of heaven!!  My kind of fall country night!!

And it was a sweet slow “first official day of fall” Sunday afternoon of my dreams - beautiful changing leaves outside my porch, a sweet little sleepy baby pumpkin to cuddle while big brother was napping, and the most peaceful birds chirping!!

 Thank you, Lord, for your good good gifts this happy harvest season - I have a feeling this is going to be the most special fall yet as a new family of four!!! Hearts so full!

And after the babies woke up from naps,

we took a little Sunday afternoon family trip with our baby pumpkins to the local produce stand (the same one my Papaw always took us to growing up and the owner knew him well - always so special hearing memories about him) in honor of the start to the new season!!

Happy happy Fall, y’all!!

Click here to see a reel of the happiest “first day of fall” around here with my boys!!

I sure do love a good slow cozy cloudy front porch fall morning around here and goodness, I love this little country life with my sweet babies!!! And this dreamy screened-in front porch here at my great grandparent’s sweet old family farmhouse for this season is a DREAM in the fall - and perfect for these precious autumn days with a new little baby and toddler!!

Click here to see a cozy little front porch morning around here!

And just like that… it was officially fall, y’all!! Yay for full hands and even fuller hearts this “September to remember” with our brand new little snuggly baby pumpkin for his very first fall (and the cutest lil’ tiny baby feet) here in our arms for allllll the Autumn fun this year!! There’s truly just nothing sweeter than a precious new happy baby here just in time for these cozy “ber” months (aka #snuggleseason) ahead!!

Living in the very sweetest days with our babies, Wes,

and wouldn’t change a thing!!

Nothing like a cool fall country evening walk on the trails with the leaves changing and falling all around!!

So grateful for these precious days in this sweettttt season of life as a brand new family of four just in time for harvest season!! 


Click here to see a reel of our evening walk on the trails with the beautiful changing leaves!

Truly living my dream as a stay-at-home mama to these precious babies of mine - thank you, Lord, for this sweet season of life!!!! And nothing better than a brand new snuggly little baby in our arms for our very first fall as a family of four!!

PS. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow along with me over on my LTKit shop - where I am sharing alllll the fun things we are using and loving this fall  - fall home decor, baby/toddler items, fall family outfits, and more!! Happy Fall, y’all!!

Just so grateful for the sweetest September days with the sweetest little pumpkins in the whole wide world!! 

We had Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s 4-month checkup and it couldn’t have gone better!!

We are so very thankful to the Lord for our precious, perfect, beautiful bright blue-eyed baby boy!!

He is so stinkin’ sweet and the way Judson cares for his cutie pie baby brother and wanted to “help” the nurses weigh and measure him (oh and give him lots of kissies too - swipe over to see hehe) totally melted my heart!!

And ofcourse Judson’s favorite part was getting stickers from all the nurses who adore him!! So grateful for both of these happy, healthy baby boy “pumpkins” of ours - Jesus has truly blessed us beyond measure!!

The doctor said he is the smiliest and happiest little baby and perfectly healthy in every way

- and we are so grateful for his easygoing, content, joyful little self!!!

Praise the Lord for a wonderful appointment and getting to come back home to spend the afternoon nursing and snuggling the most precious sleepy baby in my arms while big brother was napping!! Nothing sweeter than a new cuddly whittle baby to start off the cozy fall season with - such a sweet gift this time of year!!


Click here to see the sweetest little morning coffee view (and giggles!) I get to wake up to.. my heart!!

… and goodness I feel like the luckiest mama in the world to get to wake up to his whittle smiley face every single morning - my sweet baby SONshine (especially on a rainy rainy day)!!

Goodness gracious he could not possibly be happier or cuter!!! Just over here totally smitten over with my newest tiny boyfriend and love spending all of my days with him and his precious big brother - these truly are the days!!

Click here to see a reel I put together of a slow rainy morning around the house - so grateful for these days with my babies!

Sweet baby snuggles are what rainy day dreams are made of!! Truly couldn’t love these sweet babies more if I tried!!!

Their little “brother love” is the most precious ever and I am the luckiest mama to have my TWO angel baby boys!!!


And as I was cooking lunch with one baby asleep in my arms and the other doing puzzles at my feet - it’s these little moments where I just stop and thank Jesus for this sweet life and these precious days at home with my babies!!! What a gift!

Anddd got a happy text from the hubby (while the babies were napping) who was out on the farm during his lunch break - this makes me sooo excited! I love our 15 acre slice of heaven and can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store in the years ahead out here! Also… the fact that it looks this pretty on a gloomy rainy day… truly my favorite view!!

Nothing better than entering “cozy season” with a brand new lil’ baby to snuggle!

There’s truly no place I’d rather be these days than home snuggling and loving on my little babies - and all this rainy weather has made the snuggles this time of year all the more cozy with our tiniest new little pumpkin baby as we welcome in the fall season (aka #snuggleseason y’all)!! I sure do love being mama!! 


Click here to see the sweetest baby snuggles – aka, my favorite thing in the whole wide world!!

I sure am thankful for all these sweet boys of mine!! No one else I’d rather spend my days with (or brave a hurricane with)!!

We were making the most of the power being out (and absolutely zero cell phone service at home - unless we were out driving) for the foreseeable future due to the hurricane winds (thankfully we had no significant damage in our neighborhood - just some debris and branches that we’ve been helping clean up - but that storm was so so sad and we are praying hard for everyone impacted) -

so here’s to all the flashlight reading, “candlelight” dinners (aka turkey and cheese sandwiches because that’s about all we had to eat at that point haha - but Judson thought it was the best thing ever), and simple “power out” memories with my boys this “back to the basics” weekend and probably week ahead! 

Goodness I love these little babies so!! So grateful for simple memories with my little family and hurting and praying for so many in the Carolinas going through so so much right now after the aftermath of the hurricane!! Our power came back on after a couple days (we still had no cell service/internet at the house for a couple weeks… only if we were out) and we were doing our best to do laundry for people in our area, open our home to showers, and help and bless those around us anyway we could!

We feel so grateful that our home had no damage or trees down

(Wes has just been out helping out the last few days and cutting up one in the lot in front of us and Judson thought the chainsaw was the coolest thing ever)

and that “Dada” was able to stay home that week

and spend time with the babies!!

Extra grateful more than ever for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett snuggles,

my family,

and a warm home to use and food to cook (and fresh eggs from our ladies!!) to bless others with!! It really has been so beautiful to see people coming together to help one another - neighbors helping neighbors and friends helping friends…

and that truly warmed my heart as we welcomed in the new month of October!

Apparently it was #nationalsonsday the other day and it has been so beautiful to witness Jesus in my sweet little Judson’s heart (and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett watching it all) in the week after of Hurricane Helene aftermath!! I got to spend time collecting and delivering donations with my babies - and thanking Jesus for the opportunity to serve any way we could! Beloved Carolinas, we love you and are praying for you!

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” - Fred Rogers

While we were very fortunate and are so grateful for safety and our home, many others have been through indescribable heartache and unfathomable suffering here in the Carolinas and my heart has been so heavy and hurting - but it has been really beautiful to see people coming together and helping one another during this time (& hearing helicopters flying over our home almost constantly bringing relief to those in need)!

Cut the last zinnias of the summer garden with my little helper - such a beautiful symbol of hope and beauty that these made it through the storm!! And man, it has been so so beautiful to see Judson’s heart for praying for others through this!

After helping some friends who had a tree that was fallen on their home, all Judson had been talking about was “praying for the tree to get off the house” - and when my sweet friend let me know that the tree was officially completely off their home - I got to share the news with Judson before he went to sleep… and he said to me - “Jesus heard our prayers, mommy” Anyhoo, never underestimate the power of prayer and also, letting your littles be a part of caring/praying for others with you! Judson has been saying (& telling everyone) that he wants to be a “cutter & a builder” when he grows up so that he can “cut trees down” and help build houses - be still my heart!!

Grateful more than ever my TWO little pumpkins this time of year for #babysfirstfall and some sweet moments that brought us joy the first weekend of October -

driving out to to let Judson play on our farm sweet farm, having our dear elderly friend Columbus over for pizza

and pumpkin painting on the front porch,

walks on the trails, being back together with our church community (nothing like a Sunday morning service with a newborn baby sleeping on your chest - so grateful to be a small part of such a loving church family that is helping this community & beyond so well during this time as the hands and feet of Jesus and have been moved to tears seeing and hearing stories at Sunday school this morning of the body of Christ come together the way it has),

and allllll the sweet tiny baby snuggles and smiles! We sure do love you, our beloved Carolinas, and all that you mean to us - and our hearts and prayers are with you!!

“The very fabric of our lives… our daily lives, is right here… understanding that life is precious.” // beautiful words and audio by Dawn Chere & her dear mother, Deanza.

Nothing sweeter than worshipping at a Sunday service with a sleeping newborn baby on your chest and thanking Jesus for the gift of raising my TWO baby boys now to be little warriors for the Kingdom - bearers of LIGHT in this world!!

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” // Psalm 127:3-5


Click here to see a reel I made talking about what a precious gift this life is!

Well y’all… looks like we’ve got a future baseball star (just like his “Dada”) on our hands - and this kid can HIT!!! I just know I will always remember these precious little three year old days of him hitting his tee ball in front of Red and the chickens hehe (and if you knew me as a child… I spent all of my free time practicing and hitting tennis balls against our old garage door #iykyk - so #likemotherlikeson) - truly living my #boymamaera dreams over here and simple nights like this bring me so much joy!! 


Click here to see a video of Judson playing baseball in the backyard – look at him go!!

On my camera roll from the other night hehe - the blue eyes, the gummy smile, the chunky whittle rolls, the dimples…. we TRULY can’t get enough of his JOYful tiny little self!!!

I mean… truly…. he is like this all the time (even smiles in his sleep lol #bestillmyheart !!) and the most precious happy little baby!! I hope this brings you JOY today - our little sack of angel sugar!!!

Here’s to raising my babies to love and know Jesus, snuggling them close, and cherishing and making the most of every minute of this one beautiful life we are given to live… who’s with me?!

Every day and every breath truly is such a gift, never to be taken for granted!

This sweet little angel baby bear slept right through the teaching at Bible study yesterday morning - soo good to get back together with so many amazing godly women and be in community!! And truly, there is just nothing more powerful than holding a precious innocent new sleeping baby in your arms while listening to God’s beloved word with light pouring in the stained glass windows - truly… one of those “heaven meets earth” moments!! 

And cutie pie Judson had the best time at his little weekly nursery class, too - and I love all of the lessons he is learning about Jesus and crafts they do with him, too!! Judson’s teachers raved about him that morning - how kind and what an example he was to the whole class! So proud of him!! My sweet sweet firstborn!!

With so much heaviness going on in our world as we speak, I don’t take it lightly the calling on my life as a mother to my littles! And being home caring for, loving, raising, teaching, nurturing, and snuggling my babies is truly the most important thing I can be doing in times like these - raising up the next generation to love and know Jesus!! Mamas, we have such an important job!

Click here to see a reel I made talking about our high callings as mothers, especially in this day and age!

Click here to see the sweetest video of Levi Rhett and Red napping side by side – cutest everrrr!!!

… but really, is there anything cuter than a smiling sleepy baby and his puppy bestie fast asleep with him?! Nap time was extraaaaaa precious yesterday with these two peas in a pod hehe!!

Just a collection of

sweet “life lately” moments with my babies -

baby snuggles upon snuggles,

brother lovin’ with our little pumpkins, backyard baseball fun,

“school time” on the back deck,


and little blue car walks (simply the best), back to our weekly Bible study & nursery class for Judson,

morning trips to the playground,

and meeting up with parents for dinner one night!

So so very much to be grateful for!!

PS. And a huge thank you to our sweet Aunt Kay who got the most precious baby gift (slash big brother gift) for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett (swipe over to see the videos from this morning!!) - these adorable farm animal toys from Tractor Supply - Judson has been loving playing with them all morning and “showing” baby all of the different animals on the farm!!!

Such a thoughtful and timely baby gift for our family and “farm-obsessed toddler” in this season of #chasingdreamsandchasingbabies out on our farm sweet farm (& perfect for Levi Rhett’s farm-themed nursery, too)! We love you, Aunt Kay!!!

Loved getting lost in the corn maze with all these sweet country boys of mine - one of our family’s favorite traditions and so special bringing a brand new baby this year in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

We had so much fun at the farm that night -

running through the corn stalks, racing rubber duckies in the water,

petting and feeding all the farm animals,

jumping on the bouncy pillow, swinging around the carousel, sliding down the tube,

playing in the corn kernels, riding the piggy ride (Judson’s favorite),

and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was just content as can be and along for the ride in the baby carrier and took a good snooze at sunset on mama!!

Such a fun fall Friday night

and sweet memories made as our #firstfallasafamilyoffour !!

In the words of Tim Mcgraw –

“we’re just country boys and girls getting down on the farm” haha!


Click here to see a reel I made of our fun family night out at the corn maze and farm!

Sweet Saturday night autumn walks on the trail are our favorite… especially with this cooler “finally feeling like fall” weather in the air now, too!! I sure am grateful for this growing family of mine!!


Click here to see a reel I made of a lovely fall evening walk out on the trails – it’s finally starting to feel like fall around here!

Being their mama and experiencing all the sweetness of fall through my little ones’ eyes truly is the greatest blessing and gift that I will never get over!

We had the best kind of Fall “Sunday Funday” afternoon

with our happy little pumpkins the other weekend spent at Strawberry Hill USA - one of our most favorite traditions every single year

(& so special getting to bring our precious new baby

Levi Rhett this year for #babysfirstfall )!!

Between the hayride

to feed the cows, riding all kinds of tractors,

petting all the animals,

playing in the big sand box,

sliding down the giant slide, jumping on a the bouncy pillow, and picking pumpkins…

our little country farm-loving firstborn Judson had the time of his life and

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was the happiest lil’ baby pumpkin

and just along for the ride (and took a good long snooze on mama’s chest while big brother played)!!


Hearts so happy after a weekend full of so much fall fun

with all these “boys of fall”

who have mama’s wholeeeee heart - allll the fall fun on the farm,

walks on the trails,

precious baby snuggles and giggles,

birthday party fun for a sweet friend,

a haircut for Judson,

and just soaking in this precious season of #babysveryfirstfall !!!


Went on the most beautiful fall walk the other morning with my babies - admiring all the changing leaves and pumpkins (& the most precious sleeping baby pumpkin in the stroller hehe) all around!! We sure do love small town fall around here and today’s dreamy cooler fall weather!!


And then we stopped by our favorite spot – the Children’s Museum - and Judson loved getting to play play play!! A sweet little fall Monday indeed!!

Click here to see a cute little reel from that day!


Boy mama life really is oh so sweet!! Click here to see a sweet little #boymama reel I made!


Got to go get my nails done the other night (such a treat) thanks to the sweetest hubby (I adore you, Wes!) and nothing sweeter than coming right back home to nurse my precious baby anddd then my sweet little firstborn Judson ran up and asked to “take a picture with mommy’s pretty nails” - goodness I love this growing family of mine so!!!!

And sure love being a #boymamax2 and “queen of the castle”around here hehe!! These boys spoil me so!!


There’s just nothing better than fall at the farm with these country boys of mine!!

This year’s trip to Strawberry Hill USA was our sweetest yet thanks to our newest little baby pumpkin addition in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett this year!!


Click here to see a reel from this year’s fun trip to Strawberry Hill USA!


Click here to see a reel of a fall bible study day with my babies – our favorite!


Started the day with the cutest little cozy sleepy pumpkin coffee view that chilly fall mornin’ before we headed out the door to Bible study (and nursery class for J)!!


We had the sweetest little morning spent at our special weekly community Bible study with my favorite little tag alongs!! Judson always loves to bring home the little papers and crafts he does (he loveddd his paper crown that day) and tell me about what he learned! And I sure did love some Sweet Baby Levi Rhett sleepy snuggles during teaching! Little angel babe and so special having so many godly women love and dote on my babies there, too - such a gift from the Lord!!


And back for snuggles upon baby snuggles while big brother was napping - goodness I love being mama more than anything in the whole world - there is truly nothing more important than raising my babies!!


PS. Also linked Judson’s cutie pie little backpack for y’all over on my LTKit app (make sure to go and follow me there if you haven’t already) because it’s just too stinkin’ cute!!! It’s the perfect size for all the things and Judson loves to put his crafts and things from his little class in there, too!!


Our cutie pie little baby pumpkin has learned a new trick of rolling now (to pumpkins ofcourse hahaha - so fitting for the season) and is cute and happy as can be (with the help of big brother Judson ofcourse) - we are officially rollingggg into fall y’all - go little baby go!!


Click here to see a video of cutie pie Levi Rhett rolling over to the pumpkins!


The loveliest little fall quiet time during my babies’ naptime thanks to the most beautiful Bible gifted to me by the wonderful Loveall Design Co and Christian Art Gifts! #collaboration #gifted


This newly released KJV Note-taking Bible is absolutely perfect - with stunning floral artwork by Allison on both front and back covers, the most breathtaking gold page siding, and wide margins for taking notes!! And as you can see Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s little grin in his sleep hehe... we are all super excited about it!! I could not be more in love with this treasure sent to me by Loveall Design Co & Christian Art Gifts!! I will cherish this bible forever - thank you so much!


And if you would like to order one of these stunning bibles (there are four different designs to choose from!) for you or someone you love as well, you can shop them here!


Click here to see a video reel I made of this beautiful new bible – soooo stunning, y’all!!


Sweet and simple little fall nights out in the garden, fetching eggs from the chickens, and the #boysoffall cranking up the old red truck are the best kind of nights around here!! I sure am grateful for this little family and country life of ours, Wes!

Click here to see a reel of a fun night out in the yard with my boys!


“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder ~


And that is the truth, y’all!!


Staying home and raising my babies is what I have always felt called to do and I find it such a gift to be the one getting to nurture, love, teach, and care for my babies!!

It really is the sweet and simple everyday moments that bring so much joy, and I truly feel like the luckiest mama in the world to be raising babies and chasing dreams out on our farm sweet farm with you, Wes!! Thank you, Jesus, for your good good gifts to our family in this sweet season of life!!


Click here to see a reel I made with that beautiful Laura Ingalls Wilder quote above!


Goodness this is the sweetest fall season ever

with two sweet babies in our arms this year

for all the cozy fall days and memories -

I have just been filled to the brim with gratitude to the Lord this harvest season and

thankful for His blessings to our growing family!!


We are so smitten with our newest little snuggly baby pumpkin Sweet Baby Levi Rhett and it is such gift getting to wake up to this little ray of baby SONshine every single morning -

he truly wakes up happy, giggling, and smiling ear to ear every day and is just a true gift of JOY!!


This past October Friday night called for another one of our very favorite fall traditions -

carving our pumpkins we picked from The Nix Pumpkin Patch a couple weeks back!!


Sweet little baby snuggles and pumpkin carving on the back deck = my kind of cozy fun fall Friday family night!!


And look at what we carved hehe (hint hint… it’s a clue for our family costume theme this year)!!


And when our sweet little baby woke up from his late afternoon nap in our arms, we carried on the tradition of #babyinapumpkin with our newest little pumpkin - Sweet Baby Levi Rhett for #babysveryfirstfall !!

And oh my word…. CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!


And when it got dark out, we lit candles inside the pumpkins we carved to let Judson see them glow in the night - and he thought it was the coolest thing ever!! Oh, what a joy it is experiencing all the magic of fall through the eyes of a little child!! Goodness gracious we love our little pumpkins so!!


Sweetest fall fun making pumpkin carving memories this weekend with our little pumpkins!! Judson had so much fun helping carve this year and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett took a sweet nap in our arms while we worked!! And I am convinced there is nothing cuter than a newborn baby sitting in a pumpkin picked straight from the patch - oh my goodness it was the cutest thing ever!!!

So so fun carrying on all of our special fall traditions with a precious brand new little baby here in our arms just (!!!) in time for the coziest, snuggliest time of year for our #veryfirstfallasafamilyoffour !! Happy happy fall, y’all!! 

Click here to see a fun reel I put together of our family pumpkin carving night!

Click here to see a video reel I put together of my “camera roll” from the most beautiful fall southern wedding for #babysfirstwedding over the weekend!

We loved celebrating Wes’ cousin Lindsey and Haley as they tied the knot at the most beautiful wedding at Collins Grove in Florence, SC!!

It was such a fun time going on a little

family road trip for our very #firstweddingasafamilyoffour -

Judson was our little party animal and had the time of his life - running around picking cotton from the fields, playing with cousins, and dancing (& waving his flashing light-up wand haha) all night on the dance floor!!

And it was sooo special bringing Sweet Baby Levi Rhett along for #babysfirstwedding - he loved it and slept and snuggled on mama’s chest during the reception!!

Such a dreamy southern fall wedding night with family and cousins!!

Congratulations to the beautiful couple!! We love y’all!!

Exactly a year ago this past weekend… we were taking our pregnancy announcement photos out in a cotton field….

and this past weekend, I just so happened to be rocking that itty bitty baby, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, to sleep on my chest next to a cotton field - pretty neat full circle moment and “godwink” if you ask me! God is in every detail, sweet friends, and gives the very best gifts of all!!! 

Click here to see a video of this sweet “full circle” cotton field moment – so sweet having Sweet Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms this fall!


Yesterday's gorgeous weather called for a fall picnic by the lake with my babies -

goodness I love these sweet days with my babies and making memories like this! Truly the best job in the world being their mama!!

Click here to see a little reel I made of our "fall picnic" - so fun!

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”

- Anne of Green Gables

Between pumpkin carving,

a gorgeous southern fall wedding by the cotton fields, alllll the cozy lil’ baby snuggles,

watching sunrises off the back deck,

the sweetest baby giggles,

(so fun!! ),

picnics by the lake,

and just the simple sweet little moments… it sure was a dreamy October weekend with all my sweet “boys of fall”

for the books!!


And onto an EMC note… Resharing this same little “note” from my previous blog posts (in case you missed it):


I am still currently out on MATERNITY LEAVE over here at EMC and soaking in this sweet season full of precious family time and alllll the baby snuggles!!! You can follow along with our new family of FOUR over here on the EMC Blog as well as on my personal Instagram page - @emilyjoannemabry - where I am always sharing sweet memories, links (over on my LTKit shop!), and all the things!! #maternityleave #outformaternityleave


Buttttt a little shop update… I have been receiving SO many messages from y’all and have been praying through bringing back EMC and opening it up for some Christmas orders because of all of your sweet love and reaching out - with that being said…. I will only be opening back up for PRINTS orders this year (as I want to be fully present with my babies and just soak in this season as a new family of four for #babysfirstchristmas ) - soooo if you’re wanting to place some print orders… send me a message and let me know what you’re wanting to order!!! I LOVE YALL AND THIS COMMUNITY SO!!!!!


I LOVE this sweet small business and every single one of YOU - and am so grateful for the gift it has allowed me of being able to do what I love while also staying home and raising my babies!! #shopupdate #maternityleaveupdate


And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!


And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!


You can download the app and follow me here:


I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!


Like I always say… this blog is such a fun little creative outlet for me and truly just feels like one big “scrapbook” in a lot of ways!! I absolutely love getting to share our lives with you on this EMC Blog as well as over on my personal Instagram page!!

We are living in the sweetest #newbornandtoddlerdays and are absolutely loving being a family of four!! We are absolutely smitten with our Sweet Little Baby Levi Rhett and soaking in allllll the sweet baby snuggles and lovin’ these days!! So grateful to have each and every one of you here following along – we love you and this entire EMC Community so!!!



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