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Four Whole Months of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett


Happy official first day of fall

and four months

of the sweetest baby lovin’ and snuggles

from our newest lil’ itty bitty baby pumpkin, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

And yay for the official start to #babysfirstfall , y’all!!

Goodness, we love your tiny little bundle of love self SO

and truly can’t imagine our lives without you now!

Thank you, Jesus, for this precious gift

and the joy upon joy that you have brought to our lives already!!

I truly can’t think of a sweeter way to “ring in fall”

than with a snuggly new little baby pumpkin

here to love these cozy “ber” months ahead!!

This is the sweetest age –

you are nursing so well (you loveee mama’s milk hehe), sleeping great (we feel so very blessed with your good sleeping little self – such a gift!), and cooing, playing, and chatting with us and big brother all the time these days!!

You are the most easygoing, go-with-the-flow,

happy, smiley, giggly, and content little baby

and have really made this #mamaoftwo life oh so sweet in this new season!!


This has been such a “sweet september” month –

taking you on our annual apple picking trip for the very first time,

our Labor Day beach trip

(you are such a happy beach baby, just like Judson,

and loved to sleep in our arms on the beach

listening to God’s great sound machine – the ocean hehe),

decorating our little old family farmhouse for the fall season,

planting our "fall garden,"

taking you to the pumpkin patch for the very first time,

exploring out in nature on our morning and evening walks on the trails and by the creek,

lots and lots of babywearing and “wrap naps” (my favorite thing in the world!),

and watching the leaves beautifully changing colors

and beginning to fall!

This is such a wonderful time of year

as summer has slowly faded into fall,

and we could not be more excited to keep bringing you along for all of our fall family traditions and experience your very first fall season through your little eyes!!


You are such a snuggle bug and cuddler, just like your big brother Judson, and I am soaking in allll the sleepy cuddles these days on our cozy little front screened-in porch and old rickety porch swing!!

Your big brother Judson absolutely ADORES you

and always wants to play with you,

read to you (be still my heart!), and now,

make you giggle (a recent development that is the cutest thing ever)!!

Seeing their little sibling love developing already has been such a gift and joy to have a front row seat to watch!!

I know I keep saying this…

but I feel like I am living a dream come true getting to have another snuggly baby to cuddle this cozy fall season and into the Christmas season ahead, too!

There is truly nothing sweeter than a sweet new little baby this time of year

and I just feel so grateful for these blessings from above – my greatest gifts from God!

Full hands and fuller hearts these days in our new family of four!!

We sure do have so much to be grateful for this harvest season!!


And now to recap all the sweet memories since my last blog post (aka… the last month – so if you haven’t already… make sure to go read my:

Started off the month with some #happy mail gifted to us!!

Click here to see my babies in their new sunglasses – cutest thing ever!!


… but really, this #boymamax2 life is the best y’all and I sure do love getting to be “their girl” hehe!! When I was rocking Judson before he went to sleep last night, he randomly looked me in the eyes and told me “I’ll always take care of you, mama” - and well, that melted my heart!!! He is the sweetest firstborn “mama’s boy” and just my little angel… kind, caring, protective, and compassionate… just like his wonderful “Dada” already!! And Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is just a little doll baby… we couldn’t possibly love him more!!


And yes… babies in sunglasses may just be my favorite thing ever hehe - so I just haddddd to put these fav photos up in a reel and remind everyone to go shop these exact baby/toddler sunglasses gifted to us from Real Shades - for real, go check them out over on my LTKit shop!! We were SO looking forward to our beach trip coming up later that week (we were still in full blown summer mode around here until after our Labor Day beach trip!!) - savoring every bit of the happy slow sunny days until it was time for the coziest fall ever with our snuggly newborn baby - eek!!) and were thankfully now “all set with our shades,” thanks to Real Shades!!


I’ve been meaning to share these “still shots” my super talented friend Bri over at Brianna Warren Photography took for us

of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s precious farm-themed nursery - so here they are!!


I am so in love with how this special space turned out and how fitting it is for this season of life we are in -

chasing our God-sized dreams out on our farm sweet farm these days -

#chasingdreamsandchasingbabies as we like to say!!

Such a sweet season of our lives adding another tiny newborn to our crew of #littlecountryboys !!


And I ofcourse framed his life verse (that again, is so fitting for this season!) on display and it is such a beautiful daily reminder for our hearts to see:


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.“ // Ephesians 3:20-21


PS. Linking all of these farm nursery items and decor pieces over on my LTKit shop -

so you can follow along and shop all things motherhood, family, baby, toddler, and lifestyle there!!

Click here to see the sweetest “brother lovin” video that captures that feeling when you realize… God didn’t just give you a baby brother… but a built-in best friend for life - goodness gracious these angel baby boys have my whole stinkin’ heart!!! No one can prepare you for the sweetness of sibling love… and seeing Judson be the BEST big brother has melted my heart to a million pieces!!! So stinking proud of him and I sure do love spending all of my days with these little cutie pies!!!


PS. They are wearing the cutest lil’ matching Marie Nicole Clothing outfits gifted to us from my bestie Emily Tisdale - obsessed!!!

Click here to see a reel I made of our very favorite kind of slow barefoot summer night out in the yard with my favorite things -

fresh blooms upon blooms to pick in the garden, a sweet sleeping baby on my chest, summer lovin’ from my sweet boys, a bouquet of homegrown flowers (for both our home & to share with sweet friends that weekend), the dreamiest weather,

and all the memory making with our precious toddler (who loves to “fly high up to the sky” in his little swing)!!

These truly are the days - the sweetest, simplest, most precious late summer days!!

We are truly savoring it all with our brand new family of four - all I’ve ever wanted and more and my heart has never been happier!!


In my babywearing, gardening, homegrown, and chasing dreams while chasing babies era - and loving every minute!


Between alllll the happy flowers from our garden (and admiring God’s handiwork in all the beautiful butterflies we have!), to afternoon visits with “Grandpa Columbus” (he loves my babies so well and they love him more - I love talking about my “Papaw” with him and all the stories he tells),

soaking in all the snuggles covered in little hands and tiny baby feet, sweet brother lovin’,

bathtime sweetness (nothing cuter than a squeaky clean smiley baby smiling up at “Dada”),

reading our favorite Jesus Storybook Bible stories, all the sweetness from our smiley Sweet Baby Levi Rhett,

fun at a sweet friend’s baby girl’s birthday party,

and dinner with Wes’ parents -

these sure have been some super sweet late summer days!!

Soaking it alllll up as the gift from God that this sweet abundant life is!!!

“I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck”


Earlier this month, we took a little “Sunday funday”  trip with the “apples of our eyes” up to the beautiful Skytop Orchard for our very favorite tradition this time of year -

apple picking!!

So special getting to bring Sweet Baby Levi Rhett this year as our very first trip as a family of four!! Judson had so much fun picking (& eating hehe) allllll the apples off the trees and our little newborn was happy as can be sleeping on mama’s chest until he finally woke up just in time for our “apple donut”  tradition -

which, ofcourse, is the BEST part of the whole trip!!! This was hands-down our sweetest apple orchard trip yet and so surreal that we have been coming here every year since we got married and now we have TWO babies in tow!! I love this beautiful time of year and can’t wait to bring our new little baby along for all of our traditions and adventures this upcoming season!!

Click here to see a reel of our fun fun apple-picking day adventure!!


What a special time it was continuing on our favorite August tradition making such special memories at Skytop Orchard as a brand new family of 4️ (!!) this year with the “apples of our eyes” in our sweet Judson and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

You truly are the “apple of our eye,” Sweet Baby Levi Rhett and we couldn’t be more smitten with you!! So thankful your sweet, happy, smiley, and snuggly little all-american cutie pie self is here to join in all of our fun traditions this time of year & upcoming season!!


PS. It’s the little tiny baby feet for me - nothing sweeter than a little barefoot baby in this gorgeous weather!!!


Click here to see a sweet “motherhood reel” I made of sweet sweet apple-picking moments! I love these babies so much and thank Jesus every single day for the gift of being their mama!!


Watching Judson on “Dada’s” shoulders picking apples with a sleepy newborn on my chest was just one of those “pinch me” moments - just so grateful for this precious season of life in these #newbornandtoddlerdays !!


Labor Day Weekend coming up called for making an All-American apple pie with all those apples we picked up at Skytop Orchard over the weekend!!

So fun baking  in the kitchen with my little cutie pies -

tiny sticky hands (& lots of taste testing from Judson), little baby feet, and all!!


Click here to see a fun reel of all the homemade lovin’ making the yummiest apple pie with my little loves and cutest tiny sous chefs!!

Simply nothing better this time of year than a good ol’ apple pie with fresh picked apples from the apple orchard!


Like I always says… #fullhandsandfullerhearts in this sweet season of life as a SAHM to my two sweet baby boys that the Lord has given me to raise for His glory… and I wouldn’t trade the blessing of these simple and sweet days at home with them for anything in the world!!!


“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.” // Psalms 127:3


Click here to see a reel I made talking about what a gift it is getting to make so many #corememories as a #mamaoftwo these days - apple picking at the orchard with a sweet toddler and sleepy newborn on my chest being a recent top “heart so full” moment for sure!!!


I sure do love spending all of my days with the “apples of my eye” & “apple pies of my eye” hehe!!


It just doesn’t get better than sweet slow mornings with my babies,

walks and playing at the park,

sleepy newborn snuggles

and Judson playing blocks and tractors at my feet, books upon books (I love raising little book worms!!),

playing out by the garden and in the yard (linked our “mud kitchen” for y’all over on my LTKit that we LOVE -

perfect for creative/imaginative play and keeps Judson entertained forever!!),

anddddd we had been busy busy packing for our Labor Day beach trip -

and these two cutie pie beach baby boys were SO excited to be back in the sun by the coast!!

It’s always the perfect way to round out the sweet summertime before “summer fades into fall” and we just couldn’t wait!!


Nothing like waking up to the sunrise over the marsh that next morning with my honey rocking our sweet new baby in his arms!! We made it down to our favorite place lateeee the night before - and these sweet babies slept the whole way!!!


Click here to see the sweetest morning beach sunrise view! 


Life truly couldn’t be sweeter these days with our newest little bundle of pure love and joy!

We are soaking up and savoring every bit of this summer and oh so thankful to be back down at the coast (yay!) for a week of “soaking up the sun” on our annual Labor Day beach trip with our sweet baby boys and family, too!!


As always, I linked all of our baby/toddler roadtrip essentials (and beach/travel essentials) for y’all over on my LTKit shop - so make sure to go follow along and “shop with me” there, if you haven’t already!! I love linking all things lifestyle, motherhood, family, and travel for y’all there that I’m using and loving!!


Click here to see a reel of how we started off our Labor Day beach week with a day by the pool with our little forever water baby Judson and the sweetest little sleepy newborn in mama’s arms!!!


Forever happiest in the sun and with a sleeping baby in my arms hehe!! And I gotta say… my skin has never been more glowy and healthy thanks to Oliveda - so forreal… if you want to get that Oliveda glow going into the season ahead, send me a message today and let’s chat CLEAN, effective, waterless skincare & beauty!!!  #oliveda #olivedaofficial #olivedaskincare #olivedaconsultant

You can shop Oliveda with me here!!

And take THIS QUIZ to get your very own personalized skincare recommendations that I can help you with!


As always, I made sure to link all things “beach fun with babies” (and our swimsuits) for y’all over on my LTKit shop - so make sure to go follow along and “shop with me” there, if you haven’t already!!


We truly couldn’t have felt more blessed or grateful to be back in our happiest place for the week with our newest little addition!!

Thank you, Jesus, for the greatest blessing of all in this growing family of mine

and our beautiful baby boys!!


We sure were soaking up the sun this Labor Day beach trip with the sweetest little newborn beach baby and water-loving toddler and making the most special memories as a brand new family of four!!


Sweetest little matching beach babies I ever did see!!! Yay for a beautiful beach day with these brother besties!!


Click here to see the sweetest little brother lovin’ before we headed out to the beach that day!!


PS. Linked these adorable matching suits (Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is actually just wearing Judson’s old one hehe - having two baby boys back to back has been SUCH a gift y’all!!) here on my LTKit shop!!


Click here to see us saying hellooooo Labor Day Weekend!! My oldest sis and her precious babies made it down to the beach for LDW and the cousins had so much fun playing on the beach at sunset!!

What a beautiful night it was with all these sweet beach babies and we were excited for all the cousin fun and family time that long weekend ahead!!!


PS. Linked this adorable Solly Baby wrap that I’m wearing (& use ALL the time these #newborndays!!) over on my LTKit shop - so make sure to go check it out there!


The very best beach day with all these beach babies to start off Labor Day Weekend  - full hands with our sweet babes and fuller hearts!!!


My favorite way to start a slow morning down at the beach - rocking a sweet lil’ baby (it’s always the little crossed legs and hands for me) with my morning coffee overlooking God’s Creation! What a gift it was to be there for the week!

Judson was having a blast digging in the sand and little Sweet Baby Levi Rhett fell asleep on our way out to the beach -

the beach air and ocean really do put newborns right to sleep!

And I was lovingggg all the beach nap snuggles!!! And yayyy for cousins coming up last night just in time for sunset on the beach and soaking up all the fun family time ahead!!!

Happy Labor Day Weekend, y’all!!


Click here to see a reel I made talking about how your little family is the best team you could ever have… … and that’s the truth!! Goodness I am so grateful for this growing family that the Lord has blessed me with, and truly couldn’t be more grateful for this life (& gang of baby boys) we are building together, Wes, and loved being down at our favorite place this week for Labor Day!!


Another beach day, another set of matching bathing suits (Judson’s hammy downs - #boymamax2 life is the best) for these cutie pie bright blue-eyed beach babies of ours!!! Be still my HEART!!!!


Nothing better than slow mornings with family down at the beach -

alllll the cousin fun and love for “Papaw” (who made it down late that night before)

and rocking my sweet smiley lil baby to sleep for a lil morning nap on the porch with my coffee before we headed out to the beach for another gorgeous beach day with family!!!


Beach days are the best days - especially with a sweet brand new sleepy baby in our arms to love!!! Allllll the cousin fun in the sun and family time and our hearts were so full this Labor Day Weekend!!!


And we sure do love our beach naps around here - these sweet babies were worn outtttt from all that fun in the sun !!! And ended the day with my kind of “American night” - this ocean breeze and warm air puts this tiny beach baby right to sleep every time and I was soaking in allll the cuddles at sunset!!


Click here to see a reel talking about how there is “nothing sweeter than a sweet sleeping little baby in your arms on the beach”… but really y’all!! The beach, Wes, and our water-loving toddler Judson, and a sweet sleeping little newborn baby in our arms = my version of HEAVEN on earth and the very BEST way to welcome in September!!


The ocean really is God’s “built-in sound machine” and this sweet little newborn beach baby sure does love napping on the beach these days - and we are soaking in alllll the snuggles!!! It was a happy happy start to September down at the coast with our fam of four - soaking in the sunshine!!!


Our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is THE happiest little bright blue-eyed beach baby I ever did see!!!


We had soooo much “fun in the sun” together with family over LDW and the cutie cousins Judson, Hannah, and Joseph sure were having the time of their lives and love having our sweet little (always sleeping in our arms and “dreaming of red white and blue” hehe at this little age on the beach due to God’s great sound machine and that warm summer air) smiley newborn baby Levi Rhett along for the fun this year!!


Our newest little SONshine literally wakes up smiling so big EVERY morning!!! He truly is a ray of sunshine and JOY and we are so smitten with his little self!! Also, he has been sleeping through the night for the past few weeks now and we feel so blessed with his precious little good sleeper self this early on (such a gift)!!!!


Our day started with board games with cousins, sweet baby front porch snuggles  with my morning coffee, and the yummiest breakfast sandwich before a fun beach day with family, a trip to our favorite icecream shop, and watching the sunset over the marsh by the pool – such a happy start to September!!! We sure were soaking in the sunshine and summertime weather this Labor Day beach trip!!


Click here to see the sweetest video of Levi Rhett at the icecream shop hehe!


… and I truly could eat him and those whittle dimple cheeks righttttt up!!!


I just can’t get enough of these little sweet as sugar bright blue eyed babies of mine!!! And I cannot handle the cuteness of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett in this adorable icecream outfit from my sweet friend, Alexandra!!!


So smitten with these two cutie pie blue-eyed American beach baby boys who have mama’s wholeeeee stinkin’ heart!!! Oh my STARS I love them so!!


Click here to see a little brother lovin’ and patriotic “Happy Labor Day” reel I put together!


Happy Labor Day from our brand new fam of four!!

It sure was the best day with family down on the coast -

the very best way to celebrate the holiday with our cutie American baby boys

(& the cutest tiny snuggly addition in our arms this year)!!!


Lots of cousin fun, rainbows over the dock during the coziest morning rain storm,

all the newborn beach sleepy snuggles by the water, fun in the sun, digging in the sand, and watching the sunset over the marsh!!

We sure were soaking in these late summer days and love all these sweet beach babies of ours so!!!


Click here to see a sweet little video of some precious baby beach day snuggles!!  There is truly nothing sweeter than a sweet snuggly little babe asleep in your arms on the beach!!!

And look at his little fingers wrapped around mine - my heart was a puddle!!!


Sooo beyond smitten with all these cutie beach boys of mine

and our tiniest new little addition in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!


So thankful for the sweetest late summer memories as a new family of four (!!)

this year’s Labor Day beach trip!!


We had oh so much fun in the sun with our cutie beach-loving babies and were soaking it allll in!!

Slow peaceful mornings with a sleeping babe in my arms down at the beach are my very favorite thing in the world!

And one morning loved going on the most beautiful walk out on the beach with my sweet mama anddd we even found a sand dollar!!

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett loves to sleep in our arms down on the beach

and our precious little Judson sure does loveeeee the waves and ocean -

makes me so happy seeing him in his “happy place,” too!!!

We ended our last night with the most gorgeous sunset over the marsh and a dinner out at the local restaurant down the street from us!!


On the road with our two sleepy babies to our sweet little country life back home sweet home with such grateful hearts after such a fun labor day beach trip soaking in these late summer days!!! I love this life we have built together, Wes, and raising these precious babies!! These truly are the days and we are savoring them all!!! And at that point, I was officially excited to start welcoming in fall in the coming weeks with my babies at home with me!! Going to be such a sweet season ahead with a precious new baby (at the sweetest age!!) in our arms to snuggle for the coziest time of year coming up!!!


Click here to see a reel of a “Labor Day Beach Week to Remember” - Full hands and fuller hearts after the most wonderful Labor Day Beach Trip to soak in these beautiful late summer days!! So much fun in the sun, digging and building sandcastles, playing in the ocean, lots of family time and cousin lovin’, all the newborn snuggles out on the porch overlooking the marsh and out on the beach with God’s great sound machine, sunsets every night (& one day a rainbow!!) over the water, and just making the sweetest memories with little Judson and our newest little addition this year in our cutie pie happy beach baby (just like his brother) number two - Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! Thank you, Jesus, for such a wonderful time and all of your blessings upon blessings in this sweet sweet season of our lives - a trip we will always cherish and remember!!!


Click here to see a sweet reel I put together showcasing hands and hearts full of blessings these days with these precious baby boys and coming home from the beach to a garden full of beautiful blooms that have brought so much joy in this sweet sweet season of our lives as a brand new family of four!!

Soaking in this beautiful weather this time of year with our happy little barefoot baby Levi Rhett (peep the cutie baby feet) and so grateful to be creating and building a life we love to live with my growing family!! Nights out in the garden like this are such a gift!!


I mean… it just doesn’t get any cuter than this!!! A lil’ backyard moment for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett in my honey’s arms and mama’s bouquet of homegrown flowers - because, as y’all know… babies and flowers are my most favorite thing in the whole wide world!!


What a fun Friday night it was getting to decorate this sweet old white family farmhouse for the upcoming fall season!! And it was SO special getting to decorate with our TWO precious baby boys in our arms this year (in their adorable matching pumpkin jammies - #cutenessoverload )!!


Click here to see a video walk-through of all of our fall decor up for display!!


I’m just SO giddy that we have a brand new tiny baby (at the sweetest little age) to snuggle these cozy “ber” months ahead - such a gift from God!!


“May the bounty of the season fill your hearts and home”


We have found out we were pregnant with BOTH of our May babies in this happy September month… so this is always such a special time of year for us!! We are just so grateful for our two little pumpkins these days and can’t wait to celebrate #babysfirstfall this year for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! And it made me so happy to see the JOY on our sweet little Judson’s face as he helped mama decorate the house that afternoon/evening - he loves this time of year just as much as us!!


PS. As always, I’m linking all of our fall outfits (mama, baby, and toddler!!) and fall decor over on my LTKit page  - so make sure to go follow along and “shop with me” there, if you aren’t already!!

And just like that… it was that time of year!! September is the month of summer slowly fading into fall and we are oh so excited for all of these cozy “ber” months ahead (and #babysfirstfall!!!) with our newest snuggly little addition here for all the fun this year!!


We have been soaking in every bit of our late summer garden blooms on these beautiful cool morning and evenings,

going on sweet little park dates,

enjoying our slow mornings at home,

doing lots of “play learning” (the former kindergarten/pre-k teacher in me is having so much fun!), my first “postpartum run” at the gym (felt sooo good to be back),

and the other day while I was rocking my sweet lil baby on the front porch swing, I looked up and saw that my very favorite tree right outside the screened-in porch is officially changing colors - sooooo that meant it was time to pull out all our FALL decor boxes from the attic!!!


We finished all the fall decorating (check out my recent reel to see it all) and there is truly nothing like waking up to a cozy little old farmhouse decorated for the fall season!! These cozy cooler fall mornings with a snuggly new little baby in my arms is heaven!! And Judson kept saying “Thank you for getting the (or my) pumpkins out last night mommy” over and over again that morning since he woke up SO excited that the fall decor was all out!! This baby boy has been talking about all things fall (& already asking about Christmas trees) all the time!!! I love his love for this happy time of year!!


Fall is definitely “in the air” - and I truly am pinching myself and GIDDY that I will have a tiny lil babe to snuggle this  upcoming fall and holiday season!! Such a gift from God!!


Happy happy harvest season from our brand new family of four!!! Truly couldn’t be more grateful for our TWO little pumpkins this year and can’t wait to watch Judson show his brother bestie, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, all of our fun traditions this happy harvest time of year ahead!!


It always brings me so much JOY decorating this sweet old white family farmhouse for the fall season

as the leaves are just beginning to change colors and even more special this year with a brand new lil’ baby to snuggle these cozy months ahead!! Thank you, Jesus, for our cutie little pumpkins and all of your many many blessings - we have so very much to be thankful for!!!


What a fun “fall is in the air” Saturday we had planting our #fallgarden !! We have been gardening ever since we moved up here to my great grandparents’ old family farmhouse and it has been such a fun adventure for our growing family these days - and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first time here for “planting time,” too!! 


I love seeing how excited Judson gets every season when it’s “time to plant” and watching him get those little hands covered in dirt like little boys should!! Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was just oh so smiley along for the ride at the garden store and took a sweet little backyard nap on mama’s chest while we were prepping the garden beds for fall!! I sure do love these two little pumpkins of ours

and can’t wait for all things #babysfirstfall ahead with our tiny little love here to join us this year!!


Click here to see a video of us planting our fall garden!


Full hands and fuller hearts this upcoming fall season and we couldn’t possibly be more smitten or in love with our TWO little pumpkins here in our arms this year!! Happy Fall from these lil’ pumpkin-loving brother besties!!

Click here to see the sweetest video reel of these cuties in their matching pumpkin jammies…. #doubletrouble hehe!


The sweetest lil’ Sunday morning church and Sunday school with our babies!! I love this sleepy snug little buddy so stinkin’ much and babywearing at service - truly nothing better!!

Ran lots of errands that afternoon, had a little “movie date” with my honey while the babies were both napping (the new Twisters Movie is so good!), and enjoyed the most heavenly weather that evening outside in the backyard watering the garden, taking care of the chickens and the boys working on the old red truck - it really is starting to feel like fall around here!!!


I sure am grateful for this life we are building together with our growing family, Wes! Chasing dreams on our farm , raising babies and following God every step of the way!! He has been so good to us and is just getting started!! And we are all just so smitten with our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett… a true little bundle of JOY - I mean… look at that smile!!! Everywhere we go, people comment on what a “happy baby” he is because, as long as he’s not asleep lol (which is still a lot these newborn days), he’s such a smiley little cutie pie!!! So excited for the snuggliest, coziest fall ahead with a new lil’ babe in our arms to love!!


Click here to see a reel of  a sweet “feels like fall” front porch morning with my babies!!


There’s just simply nothing better!! We are LIVING for these heavenly “feels like fall” cozy slow front porch mornings around here!! The leaves are a changin’, 50-60 degree cooler weather, a sleeping lil’ baby in my arms, all our fall decor out (makes me so happy!!), and slow mornings with Judson - simply the best!!! I have a feeling we will be spending a lottt of time out here this fall ahead!!!


Exactly a year ago (September 9th) we found out we were pregnant with you, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, shortly after closing on our farm sweet farm and that our little Judson was going to be a “big bubba!” (swipe through this post to see the sweetest videos from the day we found out about YOU… and were completely surprised (hence running out to the boys in the backyard with the positive pee stick)!!

And now, a year later, we are ringing in the fall harvest season as a brand new family of four with a snuggly lil’ baby in our arms and life has truly never been sweeter or more full!!! Thank you, Jesus, for blessing us with this perfect precious gift from above!!

This season has been sweeter than I could’ve ever dreamed or imagined and such a picture of the “abundantly more” you have in store for your children and our growing family!!

You are so very good to us and have blessed us beyond measure in our TWO healthy baby boys - we are so very grateful this “harvest time” of year!!


The other week we were #gifted some really neat educational toys from Learn and Grow Toys that just came in the mail and I am so excited to share them with y’all!! #learnandgrowtoys #learnandgrowtoyscollab

Click here to see a video of us unboxing these fun toys!!


It really has been neat to see this little Instagram continue to grow and open doors for our family in this season of raising and teaching littles - such a gift!!


Learn and Grow Toys is a family owned company specializing in developing innovative, high quality open-ended and educational toys with a focus on developing your child’s STEAM, creative, and critical thinking skills!!


They recently launched the world’s first magnetic road and train toppers on Amazon!

These toppers allow you to create roads by adding them to existing magnetic tiles!!


Judson was SO excited to open this “happy mail” from this incredible company and played with these for hours (and already can’t wait to play again as soon as he wakes up in the morning)!!

I love how these toys are completely open ended and facilitate play based learning - which is so near and dear to my heart as a former kindergarten and pre-school teacher turned stay-at-home mommy (and now teaching my babies)!!


Anyhoo, we are so grateful to Learn & Grow toys for sending these awesome open-ended educational magnetic tiles and toppers for our little Judson and can’t recommend them enough!! I linked these for y’all here over on my LTKit shop, so make sure to go check them out there!!


Click here to see a video showcasing one year since we found out about baby #2… and we truly couldn’t have dreamed up a sweeter or perfect addition to our growing family!!!

Goodness, we sure are smitten with your sweet, happy, giggly (!!!), adorable little self - Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! There is truly nothing sweeter than when your baby starts giggling at you all the time!!!


Full hands and fuller hearts this September “harvest time” of year!!

I have truly never been happier than with our TWO babies here in our arms to love and am so grateful to Jesus for this family and sweet and simple little country life of mine!!  Yay for mums galore (my favorite), a brand new lil’ baby to snuggle all season long, and all things FALL ahead!!


Swipe over in this post to see the sweetest “brother lovin” video ever - sibling love is something special & I know it’s only going to get sweeter and sweeter!! Children are such a gift and I love that God has give me these two little brother besties that already love each other so much!! And I repeat… there is NOTHING sweeter than a tiny little baby fresh out the kitchen sink bath - I mean… be still my HEART!!!!!


We have been loving our slow mornings together on the front porch, enjoying all of the cozy fall decor we put out last weekend, allll the play,

morning walks and playground trips

in this beautiful “feels like fall” September weather, and the sweetest baby giggles from Sweet Baby Levi Rhett (he is the happiest baby y’all)!!

I am so thankful that I get to spend my days raising, teaching, and snuggling these precious babies of mine

and have so much to be grateful for this “harvest season” ahead!!


We sure did love being back at our weekly CBS Bible study group this month and reconnecting with old friends (and Judson’s teachers!!) from last year!! I am so thankful for this community of godly women and what this group has meant to me!! And SO special getting to bring Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to class and large group with me to meet everyone (who were all so excited to meet him)!!!

He was good as gold during class and slept like a little angel in mama’s arms during the teaching (such a gift) - truly nothing sweeter y’all!! So thankful for the wonderful teachers who teach Bible lessons to Judson and his friends all morning long (through play!) and love that he brings these little coloring sheets home every week to tell me about it all! It is such a special place to us!!

And then came home to the sweetest lil’ front porch swing (my happy place) sleepy snuggles with my baby while big brother was napping!! It was such a sweet Wednesday and I am so excited to welcome in the fall season with our newest little pumpkin!!


Click here to see a video from this sweet Wednesday back at bible study with my babies… TWO this year!!


“And then she realized she was replaceable in every other area of her life except her home, so she invested her time, her energy, and her heart wisely.” 


Click here to see a little reel I made with one of my favorite motherhood quotes above!


And goodness, being their “mama” will forever be the most important thing I ever do!! I absolutely cherish these days raising, nurturing, teaching, and loving on my sweet babies more than anything in the whole wide world!!


In a world that views and talks about motherhood and children as a burden and often in such a negative light, I feel such a strong calling to showcase the beauty and JOY of being a mother - and what a blessing it is to raise these tiny little disciples in our homes that Jesus has entrusted us with! What a joy and honor to have such a high calling “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)


“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.” // Psalm 127:3


Click here to see a reel I made of the sweetest little baby finger hold – be still my heart!!


There is just nothing sweeter than the feeling of a precious tiny little baby wrapping his whittle fingers around yours!! Every time Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is nursing, he grabs my finger and holds it so tight and I just want to bottle this feeling up forever!!


Click here to see a video of Judson reading to bubba – so stinkin’ sweet!!

It just simply doesn’t get sweeter than this - books upon books with my babies in the morning first thing!! It’s been extra sweet recently how Judson wants to “read to baby bubba” - melt my heart! I cherish our sweet slow mornings together this cozy time of year in this season of #fullhandsandfullerhearts !! And all of the rainy weather outside this week was making it extra cozy and “fall like!”


Happy Fall from my little scarecrows (one playing and the other sleeping) at our fall-themed library storytime the other week!! Goodness, I love these precious days with my babies!!!


We had such a fun little Friday morning at the library and “rang in the fall season” with the cutest little scarecrow craft at storytime, too!! And Sweet Baby Levi Rhett took a good snooze the whole time we were there - little angel baby!!!


We are just so smitten with our little bundle of JOY in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

Truly THE happiest, giggliest, most easy going little baby and we couldn’t be more in love with him!!!


These have been such a sweet “feels like fall” days -

cool fall cozy mornings snuggling our little love and rocking on the front porch swing while big brother is still sleeping,

beautiful walks on the trails (admiring the leaves starting to fall) to the playground, our first week back at CBS Bible study (we love it there so much and loved connecting with friends!!), and lots of storytime sweetness!


My heart was a PUDDLE when Judson set up this little “blanket and animals for bubba and him” for our daily storytime before naptime the other day all on his own! And THEN he even grabbed bubba’s hand and said, “look mama, he’s reaching for me.” The sibling love and bond is getting sweeter by the DAY and my heart is just… no words. Truly, no one can prepare you for these moments and just how sweet sibling love is. Such a gift!!

I love this family God has blessed me with so very much!!! Heart overflowing with gratitude!


Last weekend we took our lil’ pumpkins to the pumpkin patch to cut & pick our own pumpkins - one of our very favorite fall traditions every single year!!


We love The Nix Pumpkin Patch and this was our third (!!!) year coming (the sweet owner even gave both of our baby boys little pumpkin stuffed toys as gifts since we come back every year - so sweet!)…

and sooo special bringing Sweet Baby Levi Rhett for his very first trip this year (since I had just found out I was pregnant with him on our trip last year)!! Yay for #babysfirstfall and our #firstpumpkinpatchasafamilyoffour !! Full hands and fuller hearts this harvest season with the cutest pumpkins in the patch!!


We are all oh so smitten with the cutest new lil’ blue-eyed pumpkin in the patch in our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! Babies and pumpkins… oh the cuteness!!


Click here to see the best kind of September “Feels like Fall” Saturday night!!

We had the sweetest lil’ time on our evening walk exploring down by the creek with our sweet baby boys and loved seeing all the leaves beginning to change and fall at our feet - sooo many pretty colors!!

Judson and “Dada” had so much fun down by the little waterfall

and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett snoozed on mama’s chest the whole time with the cool breezy weather  -

such a dreamy “feels like fall” evening babywearing (my favorite thing ever) out in God’s Creation! I live for simple country nights like this out in nature these precious #newbornandtoddlerdays !!

Click here to see a reel I made from our fun time at the pumpkin patch!!


Our favorite fall tradition just got even sweeter this year with our newest little pumpkin Sweet Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms for his very first time at the pumpkin patch!! So fun making so many new first memories as a brand new family of four (!!!) with full hands and fuller hearts this fall harvest season!!


Click here to see the best kind of slow southern country Sunday around here!!!


We started the day headed to church with our sweet babies!!

And then came back for some Sunday afternoon post-church porch swing snuggles with my honey and our little bundle of cuteness while big brother was napping!!


Sunday baby sweetness oh my goodness!!!

I loved getting some sweet one-on-one time with my baby (and running on a fun fall errand to find a new doormat to go under our back deck door) while “Dada” and Judson went out on a “boys’ adventure” to our farm to put some corn out for the deer (& set up Wes’ deer camera for the season, too hehe)!!


I loved getting all of these pics/videos from Wes while they were out there!!!

Such a sweet “daddy-son” core memory - throwing corn out for the “deer deers”  on our 15 acre farm sweet farm!! Can’t wait to raise all the #littlecountryboys with you out here, Wes!! Our little slice of heaven!!


The very best kind of sweet September weekend around here -

pumpkin patch fun, porch swing baby snuggles, changing leaves all around,

college football ,

exploring by the creek and babywearing,

and trips out to the farm for the boys (it’s deer corn season)!!


Click here to see a video of us receiving this #gifted “happy mail” package on a cozy rainy fall day this week from the neatest family-owned company, Hill Hjem!! #hillhjemcollab


They sent us their awesome sourdough bread-making kit with everything you will need to get started on your sourdough journey - and I have linked it for y’all over on my LTKit shop (it is currently available for sale on Amazon)!!


We are alllll about a cozy, homey vibe around here in the Mabry household (especially as we are entering fall!!) and sourdough bread has been such a fun hobby for me over the last year or so since we moved up here to my great grandparent’s old family farmhouse for this season!! So when this precious company reached out to do a collab… ofcourse I said yes!!


Click here to see another #gratefulmotherhood reel I put together this week!


Truly living in the very sweetest days of my life as a brand new family of four (!!) with our newest little #threemonthold pumpkin this year for #babysfirstfall and couldn’t be more grateful to the Lord for this growing family of ours!!! So very much to be thankful for this harvest time of year!!


“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” // Colossians 2:7


Click here to see some cozy rainy day porch snuggles around here!!

There’s truly nothing better than fall rainy afternoons on the front porch snuggling my new littlest pumpkin listening to the rain fall (while big brother is napping)!! I sure do love having a new lil’ sleepy cuddly baby to rock these cozy “ber” months (#snuggleseason) ahead - such a gift from Jesus! And this sweet old front porch swing (built by my great grandpa himself) has been the greatest gift for this season of having a newborn!


Click here to see a video of Judson learning how to make Levi Rhett giggle – be still my heart!!


The sweetest thing has been happening recently… Judson has been getting baby brother to giggle and my heart truly cannot handle the cuteness!!! Their little “brother love” just keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter and I feel like the luckiest mama in the world to get a front row seat to their “brotherhood” - Goodness gracious I sure do love being their mama!!!


PS. Linked these (family-favorite of ours!!) Melissa and Doug wooden blocks for y’all over on my LTKit shop!! These are awesome and so fun, open-ended, and engaging for littles! Judson plays with these for hours on end, and I can’t recommend them enough!! I had these same blocks in my classroom back when I was teaching pre-school and now it’s so fun having some in my own home for my babies these days!!


Click here to see a sweet reel of the leaves starting to change up here on the trails by our house!!

It’s oh so dreamy up here in our little small town!! Fall is most definitely “in the air,” y’all!!


I sure do love evening sunset walks with our babies (and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first fall season) this time of year when the leaves are just starting to change and fall and the rainy days we’ve had the past couple of days brought lots of them down to admire!! And goodness all the colors make me oh so happy!!

Click here to see the sweetest little reel of my cuties in matching overalls hehe!!


And goodness gracious these sweet lil’ pumpkins sure do have mama’s whole stinkin’ heart!!!

I loveeee this happy cozy time of year at home with my babies

and know this is going to be such

a special September to Remember these precious #newbornandtoddlerdays for #babysfirstfallseason !!


Loved going out to the garden to pick some more fresh flowers to fill our home with and had the sweetest “fall is in the air” evening out on the back deck with these little cuties!!

The way Judson loves and cares for his baby brother melts my heart constantly

and I am just so grateful that Jesus gave them one another to grow up with as #brotherbesties !!

And these little country baby boys in their matching overall… well… I’m officially a puddle!!! Doesn’t get much cuter than this… #babiesandflowersandpumpkins (& matching overalls) forever and ever amen… all of my very favorite things!!


Truly blessed beyond measure with the cutest pumpkin harvest of all in this handsome country man and

little country boys of mine (and the sweetest new lil’ baby pumpkin addition this year)!!!

Happy start to harvest season, y’all!!


Click here to see a little reel I put together of our “Fall Friday Night Movie Night!”


The perfect way to welcome in the official start to Fall this weekend - watching the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin movie (such a classic since our childhood and the perfect fall movie) with our little pumpkins!!

Such a cozy fall friday night in to order pizza and watch a cozy movie (a bigggg big special treat around here in our household) - these truly are the days!!


PS. The way Judson wanted to hold Sweet Baby Levi Rhett absolutely melted my heart!! I love these sweet #brotherbesties so and love having a sweet brand new baby for us all to dote on for his very first fall season as we make so many special memories as a now family of four!


And with today being the official first day of fall,

we truly couldn’t be more grateful for our snuggly new little pumpkin Sweet Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms to cuddle and dote on these cozy “ber” months ahead for #babysfirstfall !!

Thank you, Jesus, for the very best “harvest season blessings” this year as a new family of four!!

Happy “21st night of September," friends!!

So so thankful for these sweet simple september fall days around here with our little pumpkins and oh so grateful for this sweet country life

and growing family the Lord has blessed us with!!

I sure do love chasing dreams out on our farm sweet farm and soaking in this precious season with our babies so little - this life is such a gift!!


And onto an EMC note…

Resharing this same little “note” from my previous blog posts (in case you missed it):


I am still currently out on MATERNITY LEAVE over here at EMC and soaking in this sweet season full of precious family time and alllll the baby snuggles!!! You can follow along with our new family of FOUR over here on the EMC Blog as well as on my personal Instagram page - @emilyjoannemabry - where I am always sharing sweet memories, links (over on my LTKit shop!), and all the things!! #maternityleave #outformaternityleave


And while I am out on maternity leave, I AM still checking messages and taking orders for when I come back later this fall season!! So, feel free to message me with any prints orders you have and would like to place during this season of soaking in such precious memories with my babies and adjusting to life as a family of 4!! I LOVE this sweet small business and every single one of YOU - and am so grateful for the gift it has allowed me of being able to do what I love while also staying home and raising my babies!! I so look forward to working with all of you later this coming fall after cherishing these precious days on maternity leave!!! #shopupdate #maternityleaveupdate


And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!


And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!


You can download the app and follow me here:


I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!


Like I always say… this blog is such a fun little creative outlet for me and truly just feels like one big “scrapbook” in a lot of ways!! I absolutely love getting to share our lives with you on this EMC Blog as well as over on my personal Instagram page!! We are living in the sweetest #newbornandtoddlerdays and are absolutely loving being a family of four!!

We are absolutely smitten with our Sweet Little Baby Levi Rhett and soaking in allllll the sweet baby snuggles and lovin’ these days!! So grateful to have each and every one of you here following along – we love you and this entire EMC Community so!!!



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