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July Blog Post & 14 Months of Sweet Judson!


It is so special getting to use this little EMC blog as a way to record precious photos and memories about our sweet boy and family life,

and I am so grateful for each and every one of you who follow along here on the blog, as well as with me on Instagram over at @emilyjoannemabry (my personal page) and @emilymabrycreative (my creative/art page)!!

Our sweet Judson is 14 months old today, and y’all, it just keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter!

This has been one exciting and fun-filled month for our little family – as we got to celebrate the 4th of July down at the beach for vacation AND our sweet boy took his very first steps on the beach… and has been walking non-stop ever since lol!!

Judson is a summer baby through and through – and is almost always in a diaper and barefoot… and it just doesn’t get much cuter than that! It is very fitting that he started walking down at the beach – like we say, “walking on sunshine”, hehe!

He loves to be outside (he is constantly pointing to the door to go “play”)

and absolutely LOVES to play with his water table (or water of any kind… our little water baby)!!

He and Red are the best of friends and #doubletrouble in our household – as Judson likes to share his food from his highchair with Red and constantly chase each other around the house (and Red is just so sweet and gentle with him…

it is just adorable, y’all)!!

It is such a joy getting to explore the world through Judson’s little eyes – and we could not be more thankful that the Lord has entrusted this joyful, silly, strong, smiley, puppy-loving, cuddly, easygoing, giggly, and loving boy to us!!

He loves to wave at everyone he meets,

dance (with his "praise hands" hehe) whenever he hears worship music or music of any kind,

loves to cuddle "mama" and "dada," and just simply loves LIFE!

to multiple rainbow spottings (at the beach and back home here in Spartanburg), to our baby starting to walk, to splash pads, storytime at the local library, Judson’s first dentist appointment,

and all kinds of happy little moments

we have truly been making and soaking in the most precious summer memories as a little family!

I am grateful for the big and small moments

and view them all as such gifts from the Lord

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” // Psalm 118:24

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

We got to start off the month back in our happy place – Oak Island, NC – for vacation,

Early on our trip, we went boating out on the intracoastal waterway,

had lunch afterwards in Southport (looking out over the water),

and ended the day out on the dock as the sun was going down!!

And the most EXCITING part of all… our beach baby is walkin’ on sunshine!!

And took his very first steps out on the beach!

It just doesn’t get better than sweet beach days

slow mornings on the porch, our baby boy taking his first steps on the beach (legit walkin’ on sunshine!!),

rainy day adventures (hiding out under the canopy while Judson was napping in his baby dome hehe),

beach naps (lots and lots of them hehe),

and all the good things in life!

One night, we ended the day with even more giggles and silliness out on the dock

as we watched the most GORGEOUS sunset over the marsh!

God, you are GOOD!!! The heavens declare the glory of God – and that scripture was just ringing through my mind!

Thank you, Jesus, for my family, blessings, laughter, and your goodness!

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” // Psalm 19:1

We were soaking up alllll the sun, waves, sand, and beach snuggles with our little baby bestie!!

Oh, and Judson got to have some yummy watermelon on the beach

AND try Italian ice for the first time hehe - and he was a fan!!

And as always, no better way to start and end the day than a sunrise and sunset with my boys out on the dock!!

We witnessed the most gorgeous double rainbow (after a storm) while we were down at the beach - and my heart is still not over it! God, you are so faithful and GOOD to your children!

Thank you, Lord, for giving us glimpses of your glory here on Earth in the beauty and joy of your Creation - that point us back to your love, goodness, and faithfulness!!

Such a special Fourth of July Weekend with all of my family!!

It was such a gift getting to be with all three of my sisters and seeing all of the baby cousins - Hannah, Judson & Ellie -

Thankful for sweet beach days with family -

truly nothing better than time with loved ones out in God’s Creation!!

This beach baby sure does love the salt life (just like his mama & dada)!!!

lots of playing in the sand and ocean with our beach baby,

more beach walk naps on mama,

the *sweetest* little morning donut outing (it’s a beach tradition - and Judson got to try a donut, too),

and ending the evening with fireworks over the dock to ring in the Fourth of July!!! #thesearethedays

Happy Fourth of July from our little fam to yours! Our little walkin’ (!!!) firecracker baby sure did have the best time celebrating Independence Day with family and his baby cousin besties!

We love Jesus, family, America, and all things summertime!!

And a precious beach memory we will always remember… our sweet beach baby WALKING on Fourth of July weekend!!

After a vacation full of sweet beach memories with my family and seeing God’s glory in both beautiful sunrises and sunsets (and rainbows !!!) over the marsh, my heart and cup is so so full!!

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” // Psalm 113:3

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness and faithfulness! Resting and getting out in God’s beautiful creation is always so so good for the soul, and I am forever grateful for precious memories at our happy place in Oak Island, NC -

all the baby beach naps, water and sand play, family time with my sisters and Judson’s cousins, fireworks over the ocean and marsh,

icecream & donut outings,

pool time, and just so many special moments -

like our baby boy WALKING for the first time on this trip!! It truly was a Fourth of July to remember, and I have been praising and thanking Jesus for it all!! What a vacation!!

And since coming home from the beach, we have been making even more sweet summertime memories with our *walking* ray of sunshine!!

You’ve got my whole heart, sweet Judson, and I sure do love being a #boymama !! Bring on allll the balls and outside play!

We had a summer picnic out by the lake a couple weeks ago –

and it was so lovely getting to watch the sun set over the water and let Judson watch all of the duckies floating by, too!

This little love sure does bring us “loads upon loads” of joy!! #happylittlemoments

Soaking in all the summer fun with our water-loving summer baby -

who had an absolute BALL

walking and splashing around

And had the sweetest Saturday at the park, too!!

We loved getting to check out the new Unity Park in Greenville and then ended the day with pizza at the old Sidewall Pizza –

where I used to work as a hostess while Wes and I were dating!

Judson sure did have fun at his very first time going to the Spartanburg Library story-time the other morning with his bestie, Brewer!!

We will definitely be back!! And I love love loved getting to celebrate my precious mommy-bestie, Kristen, for her birthday last week! I am so grateful for her friendship and that we get to do this #boymomlife together!!

And you KNOW it’s a “good day” when you fall asleep on mommy walking in the door - right after making it home from storytime!! Forever soaking in these sweet snuggles with my cuddly boy!!

And that same night, we went out for Mexican food for Taco Tuesday during a crazy lightning storm...

And while we were out driving in the country after dinner,

we just so happened to drive right by the other side of the rainbow… #what #a #night #to #remember !! God you are GOOD!! (Click here to see the most VIBRANT rainbow!!)

Sweet Judson had his very first dentist visit this past Friday -

and his very favorite part was the rubber ducky,


and strawberry frozen yogurt he got at the end hehe!!

Thankful beyond measure for my sweet boys and all the joy upon joy they bring me -

on “Sunday fun-day,” and every single day of the week!

Sweet sweet summertime memories with our precious blue-eyed baby boy -

from library storytime with our friends,

to all the morning and evening nature walks/jogs,

and all the giggles and cuddles along the way!!

and being outnumbered by all of my boys!!

And onto a little EMC note, gosh… I am so thankful for your love, orders, and small business support! It truly means the world to our little family, and it is such a blessing to get to run this small business from home while getting to take care of our sweet little Judson!!

I am already receiving lots of messages and orders for back-to-school season just around the corner (and even lots of y’all going ahead and getting your Christmas orders in, too) – so make sure to go ahead and message me today if you have some prints and designs you’d like me to send your way!! Can’t wait to continue helping y’all spread lots and lots of light, love, beauty, and JOY through EMC “happy art” designs!!

So grateful for what the Lord has entrusted me with - as a wife, a mommy, and a small business owner! All glory to God - the one behind, before, and present in and through it all!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along, too!! And make sure to get your EMC Back-to-School orders in while you still can, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I have also added “links” in the captions below (and throughout this blog post!) where you can click and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Now onto some more sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet Judson… precious memories and moments that I hope and pray I will always remember!

Cutie pie on our way down to the beach!

Made it down to the beach just in time for sunset over the dock - the best!!

Lots of beach naps on "mama" and "dada" while walking up and down the beach!

Goldfish on the beach - nothing better!!

We sure do love our beach baby!!

Such a fun time boating on the intracoastal waterway with my parents!

Post-beach snuggles!

Those post-beach morning naps hit different!

Someone sure did love his biscuits for breakfast down at the beach!

Sweetest blue-eyed beach baby I ever did see!!

Having so much fun with "Nana" out on the dock!

My little beach baby!!

Always falling asleep on Mama for his naps as we strolled up and down the beach, listening to the crashing waves (the best sound machine hehe)!

Beach days are the best days!!

Beach naps on "Dada!"

Beach morning joy!

Happy happy boy!

Having so much fun with Judson's baby cousin, Ellie!

Sleepy angel baby!

Judson LOVED riding around in the beach wagon!

Happiest with you, my beach baby!

Sweet memories with my sisters!!

Happy memories!

"Nana" and "Papaw" with all three of their grandbabies!

Covered in sand and happy as a clam!

Happiest with his little shovel in hand!

We have an ocean lover!!

So fun seeing all of the cousins playing together!!

"Nana" and "Papaw" with Judson and Hannah!

Back from the beach and back to our morning coffee walks in the "blue car!"

Always feeding his bestie, Red, from his highchair lol!

Power outage family time - goldfish and all!!

Checking out the new "Fretwell" off the Rail Trail on our Friday morning walk!

We love walking to get icecream during the summertime!!

Visiting an old family home up in Rutherfordton - my great grandparents' house!

Quiet times look a bit different these days... and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Had so much fun at our picnic at Lake Bowen Park,

while watching the sun go down!

Playing "tee-ball" with his ring base and ball lol! Starting him young haha!

So thankful for "Nana" watching Judson on my internship days - I'm already over a third of the way through my internship to finally complete my Master's in Counseling - all glory to God!! It truly takes a village!!

Loves to dump water on his head haha!

Friday mornings are our favorite... especially when it includes a Waffle House breakfast!!

Post-waffle-house nap on "Dada!"

Loved getting to check out the new Unity Park in Greenville!

Somebody LOVES riding around in his little red wagon!

Judson and Red... #doubletrouble lol!!

Our summer-lovin' water baby, through and through!!

Someone sure did love his chick-fil-a biscuit!!

Another picture from Judson's first dentist visit!!

Cutest breakfast date!

Judson loves a good car nap!!

Getting a quick run in after the summer thunderstorm!

Visiting daddy at work - I sure do love and adore this handsome preacher man of mine - the BEST husband, father, AND college pastor!!

Thank you, Jesus, for blessing us with yet another month full of such an abundance of giggles, joy, snuggles, and beautiful life with our sweet Judson! I am forever grateful for these precious days, moments, and memories – and never taking a single one for granted! These truly are the days of our lives… and everyone is a gift from God!



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