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March Blog Post - 22 Months of Sweet Judson!


Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Our sweet, sweet little Judson is 22 months old as of today, and this sure has been one big and exciting month for our little family!!

In case you missed it, this past weekend we officially sold our very first home sweet home –

our beloved fixer upper that we truly poured out heart and soul into these past (almost) 4 years of marriage! –

and we have the unique opportunity to live in a sweet little old family farmhouse for this next season

as we chase after our dreams that the Lord has so clearly placed on our hearts!!

Like I always say, home truly is where the heart is

and I am loving this fun new adventure with my boys!!

And let me just say… Judson is THRIVING getting to have all this wide open space to run and play out in the country

our forever outside-loving country baby boy is in heaven with all of the tractors (his new favorite word) and green, green grass!

it is officially the very start to spring, everything is just starting to bloom,

and our four year anniversary is coming up this Thursday (we are actually heading to the beach for a fun little anniversary trip to the coast later this week to celebrate - woohoo!) …

so we just have sooo very much to be grateful for –

all we can say is, Thank You Lord!!

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” // Psalm 100:4

Our sweet Judson truly is such a gift of love, happiness, and JOY upon JOY to our lives –

and we cannot believe the Lord has entrusted us with such a precious baby boy to raise and to love!!

We love being parents so very much and are having the time of our lives raising our sweet sweet boy!

We really soaked up our final month in our beloved fixer upper home and little moments that I pray we will remember forever and ever.

We loved getting to see the azaleas begin to bloom all over our sweet home one last time before our move (felt like such a gift from the Lord!)

and have been loving spending so much time outside these days –

lots of long walks in the beautiful weather

and meals in the backyard!!

There is just something so special about that “spring is in the air” feeling,

and all the excitement and adventure just around the corner!!

And we spent most of this past month (and all of our weekends)

packing up our first home sweet home –

taking lots of trips back and forth moving -

and painting/preparing this sweet old family farmhouse for us to move into!

It feels sooo good to finally be all moved in

and already making some sweet, sweet memories here in this precious small town that means so much to me –

because of all my favorite childhood memories with my beloved Mamaw and Papaw here!

Truly, in a lot of ways, it feels like I’m back home

and I often feel like they are here with me… especially when I hear the wind chimes blowing in the wind on our big front screened-in porch!!

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” // Ephesians 1:3

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

We loved getting to start off the month of March with so much love, joy, and excitement –

as March holds both our anniversary (at the very end of the month)

AND the official start to spring!!

With the daffodils all around and the start of fresh blooms popping up on all of the trees and bushes on our neighborhood walks,

it is always such a special time of year as we anticipate and look forward to spring just around the corner and lots of exciting things ahead for our little family!!

There is just something about that “spring is in the air” feeling

and I have been loving spending so much time with my boys out in God’s beautiful Creation this time of year to welcome spring on in!!

God’s beauty and joy is alllll around us sweet friends -

it truly is the little things in life that, I believe,

He really wants us to take the time to notice and enjoy!!

Reminders of his love, goodness, and faithfulness - right before our very eyes…

if we choose to look for them!! #thelittlethingsinlife

Like I said above, March is Wes and I’s “anniversary month,”

and I am so grateful for this little life we are building together with our sweet baby boy!!

I love chasing our dreams together and am so excited for all of the adventures that the Lord has in store ahead!! #anniversarymonth

And after our big trip to Disney at the end of last month, I will forever and always be stealin’ kisses from both of my Prince Charmings - who make me feel like a princess every single day…

just like I did in my big white princess wedding dress on the day I said “I do!!” #myprincecharmings

A dream truly IS a wish your heart makes - Click here to see a sweet little video clip I put together - of how these sweet boys are MY dream come true every single day, and answer to my prayers as a little girl!! #mydreamcometrue

Home truly is wherever the heart is!!

So excited for new adventures ahead with my sweet country boys!! #lifewithmyboys #homeiswheretheheartis

Made a little day trip back home to Charlotte the other week to meet my high school bestie’s sweet baby boy!!

Jobin, you are sooooo loved and have the very best mama!!

Can’t wait for you and Judson to grow up to be the sweetest best buddies!!

From high school cheerleading days to beach trips to chasing Jesus and allllll of our memories over the years…

it’s wild that we both have babies now!!

So thankful to get to share this beautiful season of motherhood with you now, Annie -

it truly is the greatest gift!!

Spring is “in the air” and we loved getting to see the azaleas just starting to bloom all around our little home sweet home one last time before we moved!!

What a sweet gift from Jesus as we soaked up our final memories in our sweet little fixer upper!!

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…” // Ecclesiastes 3:11

Just really grateful for this sweet adventure called life with my favorite boys!!

to Wes getting to take his old red truck to a “cruise-in”

hosted by some of his best buddies

at the Flock Shop the other night –

we had the BEST time,

and getting invited to take Judson to the “grand opening”

of a brand new “Book Nook” exhibit at the Children’s Museum in downtown Greenville –

we sure have been making some special memories!

Click here to see the SWEETEST video of our happy baby in the tub… truly priceless moments!!! #priceless

This precious baby boy is literally SUNSHINE and JOY in human form!

Oh, what a GIFT from above you are, my sweet angel!

Cherishing these sweeeeeetttt sweet days with you at my favorite age YET!!! #joyuponjoy

Just like this adorable little hand towel that Wes and I were given as a wedding gift (almost four years ago now) says,

it couldn’t be more true!!

These sweet boys are my whole world and I am one blessed blessed mama to get to chase after Jesus and the dreams He has so clearly laid on our hearts with these two country cuties by my side!!

Thank you, Jesus, for my little family and sweeeeetttt new adventures ahead!!

We truly soaked in every last little moment with our little love in our precious fixer upper home -

that I want to remember forever and ever!!

And we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day this month

I truly did strike gold and am the *luckiest* mama and wifey in the whole wide world to get to love and chase after dreams with my two lucky charms!!

Right after we moved to the old family farmhouse, my mom came up to visit

and Judson with an icecream cone is officially the cutest ever!!

In honor of our fourth wedding anniversary coming up on this Thursday…

here’s to forever chasin’ Jesus, chasin’ you, chasin’ our baby boy,

and chasin our God-sized dreams together, Wes!!

Life with you is such a fun adventure and I thank Jesus every day for you!!

I love you babe!! #emilysayswes

Click here to see a sweet little video clip I put together in honor of our fourth wedding anniversary just a few days away!

And just like that, we officially SOLD our very first home sweet home -

God has been SO good and faithful in ALL of the details!!

It literally sold in three days (at our third showing!) and we couldn’t be more excited for the new buyers!!

Wes bought our sweet fixer upper during our engagement season while I was still overseas in Uganda, and over the years, we have completely fixed it up and made it the sweetest home sweet home these past (almost) four years - we truly put our heart and soul into this house!!

Our anniversary is this week, so the timing of it all is such a sweet sweet way to ring in our anniversary!!

God’s timing truly is beyond perfect!

This home has held the most precious and special memories - like bringing home our sweet baby Judson -

and I will never forget coming home from our honeymoon to those gorgeous azaleas covering our yard - it’s truly magical!!

So excited for the next sweet newlywed couple (our age!!) to make their own new memories in this special special home!!

And we are soooo excited for new adventures ahead for our family as we have the unique opportunity to go live in an old family farmhouse for a season and chase after our dreams!!

"Nana" watched sweet Judson this past Friday when we were closing on the house sale,

and that meant that Wes and I got to have a little "date day" afterwards -

going to lunch at one of our favorite spots in downtown Sparkle City - Cribb's Kitchen, and then to drop off some cards and goodies to say goodbye to our old neigbors!!

What a sweet day!

And today marks one whole week since we moved into this sweet little old family farmhouse

(that was actually my great grandparents’) -

we are so grateful to get to live here for this season and “bring it back to life!”

while we chase after the dreams and adventures God has so clearly put on our hearts!!

It’s been soooo sweet already and special being back in the same little town for this season

where so many of my fondest childhood memories were made with my Mamaw & Papaw -

and such a gift getting to make some sweet memories with my own baby boy here now, too!

We have been enjoying the gorgeous mountain sunrise coffee views,

exploring all around town,

playing with cousins who live up this way,

loving the big screened-in front porch with a precious old rocking swing,

discovering the beautiful walking trail right by us that goes right through the cutest little towns,

and spending lots and lots of time outside in the big yard

where Judson (& Red) are in HEAVEN with so much room to run and play

(and Judson is loving getting to admire all of the “tractorsssss” across the street, too -

Judson’s new favorite word haha)!!

Our baby boy in his little red wagon… just doesn’t get much cuter than this!!

We sure do love our sweet little country boy

and his love for being outside - at all times!!

And onto a little small business note… it’s that wonderful time of year again with everything starting to bloom and come back to life.... and I’m currently receiving lots of messages for spring, Easter, and graduation season orders and am SO excited to get to help y’all spread lots of love and joy through EMC designs again this time of year! And so glad that so many of y’all are already thinking ahead for graduations and wanting to stock up on all of your favorite EMC designs now!!

We are entering one of my busiest times of the year over here at EMC and I love receiving large orders for both prints and notecard sets that y’all are wanting to stock up on for all of your spring and graduation season gifting needs!! On that note, my spring custom orders list is just about full, so if you are wanting to place a custom order (for custom home designs, custom wedding designs, really anything custom!!), please go ahead and get your orders in ASAP!! I’ve loved receiving so many fun orders from y’all!

My whole heart behind EMC designs is to showcase the beauty and joy of your favorite cities, schools, places, memories, homes, and special words or bible verses! So message me today if you’d like to place a new custom order, and as always, to order any and all of your favorite EMC city/town/school prints and bible verse/encouraging words designs, too!

These make the BEST unique and thoughtful gift ideas and are perfect ways to spread all the love this spring upcoming graduation season! You can check out my recent posts as well as my highlights on Instagram to get some gift ideas! Can’t wait to send some happy EMC art your way this spring season, too!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I have also added “links” in the captions below (and throughout this blog post!) where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Now onto some more sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet Judson… precious memories and moments that I hope and pray I will always remember!

Bathtime sweetness with these two cutie pies!

Loved getting to walk down the street to see some real life excavators at work!

Doing a little "spring cleaning" haha!

Reading stories in our Mickey footed pajamas... the cutest!

Sweet little mickey-loving baby boy!!

I love seeing Wes lead the college and young adult ministry at our church so faithfully - day in and day out! You are such a gift to the church and to us all, Wesley Mabry!!

We have been loving these mountains views on our walks here!!

Stickers, puzzles, and blocks galore!!

Nothing better in the whole wide world than post-nursing session snuggles!

My favorite little running buddy!

Enjoying our last few runs on the trails by our old home sweet home!

Someone sure did have fun at the Children's Museum with mama!!

I love them, I love them, I love them!

We loved celebrating St. Patty's Day with our sweet lucky charm!!

Love shipping out EMC orders with my sweet baby bear!

We love "Mexican Monday" around here!!

Judson LOVES to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and point out all of the animals and their sounds!

Judson and his beloved "Doggie" - who he has taken with him EVERYWHERE this month... #bestillmyheart !! This was actually Wes' stuffed animal as a little boy, so it's so precious that Judson loves it so much!!

My sweet snuggly boy!!

Soaking in our very last nature trail run - we will miss these views for sure, but are thankful that there is another beautiful walking trail right by our new home in the old family farmhouse!!

We have spent the past week unpacking little by little, and turning this sweet house into our new home sweet home for this season!

Judson was LOVING his icecream cone at the Soda Fountain haha!

Took Judson to the same post office that my Mamaw & Papaw used to take me to as a little girl - so sweet!

Judson and his cousin, Theo, play so well together!

Already making lots of sweet new memories in our new home sweet home!

Hangin' up all of our wall art - really makes it feel like home!

Safe to say, Judson is living his best life out here in the country!! Happy as can be!

Thank you, Lord, for gifting us with 22 whole months of pure love and JOY upon JOY with our sweet little Judson – the happiest and most precious baby boy in the whole wide world!!

Oh, how we love him so! These truly are “the days,” and we are doing our very very best to soak them all in!!



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