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May Blog Post – 2 Whole Years of Sweet Judson!


Updated: Jun 2, 2023

And just like that, my sweet baby Judson is TWO years old!!

My oh my, what a GIFT from the Lord these past 2 years have been!

We feel so blessed beyond measure to get to be parents to the sweetest little boy

who is the definition of all things boy and FUN, silly, sweet, brave, fearless, cuddly, and strong!!

I truly could not have dreamed him up if I tried…

but man,

the Lord has blessed us abundantly more

than we could’ve ever asked or imagined

by entrusting sweet little Judson to us!!

Our outside-always, tractor

and animal-loving,

sweet as sugar two-year-old country baby boy

our dream come true!!

Happy happy second birthday,

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” // Ephesians 3:20-21

We had an absolute ball celebrating his birthday

with his adorable little Noah’s Ark “Two by Two We’re Inviting You” birthday party the other weekend

and are so thankful to get to spend his actual birthday down here at the beach for Memorial Day Weekend!

It is such a blessing every single day getting to watch my baby boy grow into exactly who the Lord has created Him to be –

and such a gift beyond words that I get to be home with him

and help steward Him in such a special way!!

Even at age 2 (haha), he is already so incredibly STRONG

and has such a brave, fearless spirit about him –

and I know that Jesus has some amazing plans ahead for his life!

I know that I am biased and his “mama,” but truly, he is a special little boy y’all…

and it makes me so excited every single day to watch him grow!

He is also so kind, cuddly, and sweet – and has such a tender, gentle spirit about him

as my mom says, he really has both sides to him and man –

I pray I can continue to raise him up in both strength and tenderness!

Basically, he is just like his “Dada,” and that makes me giddy to even think about!

I always prayed for a son that I could raise up to be just like Wesley Mabry…

and boy oh boy, did Jesus come through!

Judson and I have had the privilege of getting to nurse/breastfeed these past 2 years

and that has been such a special bonding time for us!

And I know that the Lord has blessed Judson immensely through this season

(his pediatrician always reminds us of how blessed we have been with such a healthy and happy baby boy

all glory to God!)

and I pray that he will continue to grow up strong, courageous, and full of the Lord!

As his mama, I would literally do anything for my baby boy – and getting to breastfeed him as long as I have was something I felt very called to do…

and just know that God has big plans for his life ahead!!

Judson being two years old also means that Wes and I have been parents for two whole years

– and it is truly the most fun thing we have ever done…

and it just keeps on getting better and better!!

God has continued to bless our family abundantly

and we are so excited for all the He has in store ahead for our family

as we chase after the dreams He has so clearly laid on our hearts…

and continues to lead us step by step!!

Nothing sweeter than adventuring through life with my best boys

Thank you Lord!!

Happy two years of LIFE,

my sweet baby boy –

we are rejoicing and celebrating the GIFT that you are

and continue to be to us!!

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” // Psalm 118:24

Loving living this wondrous adventure called life with my sweet sweet boys!!

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month of May

(Judson’s birthday month

and my very favorite month of all!!)

and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

The last weekend of April was full of lots of country drivin,’

getting some more family photos done

(with one of our dear college/young adult ministry students - Olivia!!!),

lots of front porch hangin’ during rainstorms, taking care of #judsonandhischickadees,

gorgeous sunrise and sunsets up here

(never gets old!!),

a stunning rainbow over our backyard,

a majorrrrr turkey spotting (haha the boys loved it) right by our house,

taking care of the "chick chicks,"

and a fun planting day over here at the old family farmhouse

(makes me so happy)!!

Click here to watch a sweet little recap video of that sweet weekend – so many fun memories!!!


bring on alllll the sunshine, flowers, and May goodness!!!

And here is a little *tidbit* from my devotional earlier that I thought was lovely and wanted to share!!

“Begin my acknowledging that everything - all your possessions and all that you are - belongs to me. The dawning of each new day is a GIFT from Me, not to be taken for granted. The earth is vibrantly alive with My blessings, giving vivid testimony to My Presence…” // Jesus Calling

We loved celebrating the first day of May outside in God’s beautiful Creation!

May has always been my favorite month of the year…

as we anticipate summer just around the corner

and all the beautiful weather and fun things ahead!!

May also just so happens to be Judson’s #birthdaymonth

(his birthday is at the very end of the month),

and we love getting to celebrate our sweet baby boy all month long!!

With Mother’s Day at the very beginning of the month,

I was just all in my feels and feeling so very grateful for the gift of being this sweet baby boy’s “mama” -

and for the past (almost) 2 whole years of getting to nurse my little love!!

Breastfeeding is something I always so longed and prayed to be able to do

(and something we had to work at and fight for when little Judson was born),

and it truly has been so beautiful to see

how immensely God has blessed that desire and answered that prayer!!

Abundantly more! And something we have both cherished and enjoyed so so much.

What a sweet journey this has been getting to love you and have this special bond with you, sweet boy,

and I know God has some big big plans for your little life!!

Oh how mama loves you so,

my angel baby boy!!!

May you forever stay this tender, sweet,

gentle, and kind -

and grow up to be so strong, brave, and a man after God’s own heart!!

Click here to watch a sweet little Mother’s Day video I put together of sweet nursing memories with Judson along our journey –

such a gift!

PS…. love you forever, Wes! Best hubby and daddy in the whole wide world!! Not to mention… the one who helped me figure out breastfeeding (hands-on hubby y’all!!) from day one!! Truly couldn’t have done it without HIM!!

So thankful Jesus gave me Wesley Mabry and the sweetest baby boy that I hope and pray grows up to be just like him one day!! #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingisamazing #breastfeedingawareness

May (& Judson’s #birthdaymonth !!!)

was off to such a happy little start!

Spent savoring these simple and precious moments with our little one-year-old (for a couple more weeks)

“But honey, I love your love the most!” -

Oh how I love my handsome forever wedding date!!

We had the very best time celebrating Kendall and Breanna

at their beautiful wedding this month!! #foreverweddingdate #parentsnightout

“I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.” #judsonsbirthdaymonth

We could not be more in love with these timeless and precious heirloom photos we got back from the amazing Sarah Kennedy Portraits! Thank you, Sarah, for so perfectly capturing our joyful, loving, and sweet baby boy!! We will cherish these forever and ever!! #heirloomphotos

You truly are the greatest joy and GIFT of our lives, sweet baby Judson, and we love getting to be your “mama” and “dada!” You light up any room and your kind and joyful spirit makes every day a great day - and we are oh so very grateful Jesus entrusted you to us!! You will forever be my moon and my stars, my sweet angel!! #giftfromabove

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” // James 1:17

These photos just make me smile so big!! Oh, how I love being his mama - my pride and joy!! #mamasboy #boymama #myprideandjoy

The *abundantly more* that I always prayed for - the Lord has given me in these sweet sweet boys!! I am so thankful for my little family - my very greatest gifts from God - and the dreams we are chasing together as a we pursue Him!!

He continues to lead us step by step and has been so very good to us!!

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly…” // John 10:10

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—” // 1 Corinthians 2:9

Thank you, sweet Olivia Toney , for these precious family photos we will cherish forever!

(and mostly drinking out of the water hose hehe)!!!

My May and - forever and ever - water loving baby boy is in his element now that it’s just about summertime y’all!! #maybaby #waterbaby

Birthday party eve traditions with the best hubby and “dada” in the whole wide world!!

We were so excited to celebrate our sweet (almost!!) two year old at his little Noah’s Ark themed birthday party (a couple weeks early since we were going to be out of town on his actual bday at the very end of the month)!!

Sweet baby boy was sooooo happy getting to wear his Noah’s Ark jammies to bed that night and sure was excited for his party the next day -

he was talking about it alllll day and as I rocked him to sleep that night (kept saying all the names of friends and family he couldn’t wait to see)!! #noahsarkbirthdaytheme #noahsarkbday

“Two by two… we’re inviting you!!” #judsonssecondbirthdayparty

“Take a good look at God’s wonders— they’ll take your breath away.” // Psalm 66:5

Judson’s sweet little Noah’s Ark-themed second birthday party absolutely could not have been any more precious!!

We had an absolute ball getting to celebrate our (almost) 2-year-old (a couple of weeks early)

and feel so so blessed by how LOVED he is by his friends and family!!

We are so thankful to everyone for coming out!!

What a special special day for our little cutie pie!!

So many details went into this sweet little “Two by Two, We’re Inviting You” Noah’s Ark birthday party for my baby boy -

and it was so so special seeing my vision come to life!!

Judson’s favorite book to read and sing when we go to sleep at night is “Sing” by Ellie Holcomb -

and the lyrics are just so beautiful!!

This book really led me to the idea of “two by two - we’re inviting you” -

because it is just so fitting for our sweet joyful Judson!!

Here are some of my favorite lyrics:

“When God made the earth

He decided to sing

And He wrote His song into everything

God's song says you're good

You are wonderfully made

And I'll never stop loving you all of your days

So sing, sing, sing

Sing, sing, sing

Sing, sing, sing

Sing, sing, sing

Now we all know who sang the first song

God our Maker knew all along

That every heart and every thing

Was born with a song it was made to

Sing, sing, sing!”

Here are a few pics of the **party details***

(and I have linked it all over on my LTKit shop as well)!!

Click here to watch a fun little birthday party recap video I put together –

such a special special day celebrating our birthday boy!!!

Truly can’t think of a sweeter way to spend my Mother’s Day weekend than celebrating this sweet (almost) 2-year-old who first made me a mama!!

Thank you, Jesus, for your good good gifts -

and our sweet baby boy who loves your Creation and shines your light so very brightly already!!

You are pure JOY, my sweet animal-loving, outside-always, angel baby boy!!!

Oh how LOVED you are -

by God, your family, and your wonderful friends!

Oh, what a fun and happy day we had celebrating your precious life!!

The birthday baby boy in his Noah’s Ark bubble… surrounded by bubbles -

it just doesn’t get cuter than this!! #birthdayboy #bubblesonbubbles #corememory

Thank you for making me a mama, my sweet angel baby boy!! #mothersday #mademeamamafirst

I will never forget the moment they first laid you on my chest, my angel, and knowing that you were mine to love!

And it has only gotten sweeter every day since!!

I’m just so thankful that I’ve been able to nurse you these past (almost) two years (such a gift!) and just snuggle your sweet little cuddle bug self (you’ve always been such a snuggler)… I will never get over the immense GIFT that it is getting to be your mama, sweet baby J! You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars - and I will never stop thanking Jesus for entrusting me with you - especially today on our second Mother’s Day with you here!!

And thank you, sweet Wes, for making it such a special Mother’s Day morning - waking up to beautiful flowers

arranged by our dear friend Caylee,

precious cards from both Wes and Judson, and the cutest little leather wallet that I’ve been eyeing forever!!

You have always championed me and made me feel so seen and loved in motherhood, Wes, and I am forever grateful for the way you love and lead our family!! #happymothersday #mothersdaysweetness #mothersdaymorning #happymothersday2023

Felt like one blessed blessed mama this Mother’s Day -

the sweetest one yet!!

“Mama” will forever be my favorite title and calling in life!!

When sweet Caylee needs pictures of you with her beautiful Mother’s Day flower arrangement for a future project …

decided to have a little naptime front porch flower date with my favorite (& most handsome) human!!! #frontporchhangin #flowersfordays

Our day consisted of a lil’ catnap (for J) on the country roads on our way to church that morning hehe,

a beautiful Mother’s Day service at church (so thankful for Boiling Springs First Baptist Church),

and then spent the afternoon at Wes’ Nana & Pop’s with family! What a sweet Mother’s Day!

Feeling so thankful for ALL of the mothers and mother figures in my life! Truly couldn’t be more blessed by the godly and lovely role models God has given me!!

No greater gift than being a mama and having these wonderful women in my life to look up to -

and who have helped me get this far!! #blessedwiththebest #happymamasday

Then we came home to rainy afternoon snuggles with my angel baby boy - who made me a mama! I will never get over this gift!

And ended the evening watching Nascar and opening Judson’s birthday party presents - what a sweet ending to a Mother’s Day weekend with my boys! And so many exciting things ahead for our family - Thank you Jesus!! #mothersday2023

Click here to watch the most PRECIOUS video of Judson with his “chick chicks” –

melt my HEART!!!

My favorite little yard helper these days!!

May sure had been a sweet and fun month -

and our #maybaby sure is loving all the time “outsideeeeee” (as he likes to say) seeing all of the tractors and on the porch with his “chick chicks” -

truly living his best life y’all!!

Last weekend was a slow and simple one at home with these sweet boys -

my very favorite!!

Building a chicken coop for Judson’s “chick chicks,”

all the giggles with “Dada,”

Thanking the Lord for all of his blessings

- big and small -

And just like that, it was officially #birthdayweek for my sweet, joyful, silly, strong, brave, and handsome firstborn son -

and these past (almost) 2 years with him here have been everything I prayed for and more - as we have been savoring every moment!!

Breastfeeding these past (almost) 2 years, snuggling, exploring out in nature, and adventuring together every day!!

What a gift from above you are!!

Happy birthday week,

Click here to see a cute little #birthdayweek video reel I put together of his adorable black and white heirloom photos we got done!! So stinking cute!

And since we were headed out of town to the beach to spend his actual birthday - we gave Judson his birthday gifts a tad early - and the pure JOY was precious!! There is nothing more fun than celebrating our birthday baby boy!!

He was one happy happy happy boy - getting to have his very own grill & tool chest -

and be just like “Dada”!!!!

No place we’d rather spend this little cutie’s “birthday eve” than down at the beach for a cozy, slow, and restful Memorial Day Weekend - front porch rockin’ in the coastal breeze - the very very best!!

Feeling so very thankful to get to spend your birthday down in your happy place - in the sand, salt, and sea -

with the people you love the most!!

Happy Happy Birthday Eve, sweet baby Judson!!

And onto an EMC note… throughout this entire month,

it has been BUSY BUSY BUSY over here at Emily Mabry Creative – as we have been packing up and shipping out SO many orders for end-of-year and graduation season!!

This business continues to be such a blessing to our family –

and I will never take for granted the GIFT it is that I get to run it from home while taking care of my baby boy and providing for my family!

All glory to God!

And thank all of YOU for continuing to support and follow along with our family and small business

it wouldn’t be what it is today without every single one of you!!!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family!

I’d love to have you following along there, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I have also added “links” in the captions below (and throughout this blog post!) where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Now onto some more sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet Judson… precious memories and moments that I hope and pray I will always remember!

Morning diaper sweetness! Never want to forget these little moments!

Sleeping in the car with his beloved tractor toy!

We are so excited for what the Lord has in store ahead for our family!

So special getting to attend the Rutherford Symphony the other weekend - where they honored my Mamaw in her memory - for all of her years of dedication and service to music!

And afterwards, hangin' out with "Papaw" on the same front porch that HE spent all of his summer nights on at his grandparents' - so sweet!

Fun times at the local park with new friends!

We absolutely love all of the trails here!!

Packing up EMC orders with my tiny bestie! I love that he gets to grow up helping Mama run this small business!!

Judson's favorite thing to do is rock on the porch swing and watch his "chick chicks!"

stopped by to visit with my sweet Uncle Edgar!

Sweet family dinners are the best!

Last morning in the house with the old floors, before the new ones were being put in!

Judson and I had a little front porch pizza party while the new floors were being put in!

Ta-Da! They look so good!!

And that night, Wes and I put in new backsplash too! It transformed the whole kitchen!

Judson had so much fun at sweet little Harper's 3rd birthday party - riding the horses and playing with friends!!

Strawberry eating mornings with my love bug!

Stunning walking views!

Judson LOVES to read this children's book about Psalm 23!

Gorgeous backyard views here at the old family farmhouse - grateful!

"Nana" got to come up and watch Judson for the evening because Wes had a church staff dinner!

Judson loves to read to his animal friends - and it's the cutest thing!

Another day, another gorgeous trail walk and sunrise! Thank you Lord!

Birthday dinner at Caro-Mi to celebrate "Papaw's" birthday!

Helping mama clean the house before his birthday party the next day hehe!

And brushing teeth "just like Dada!"

We had an absolute BALLL at Judson's precious Noah's Ark themed birthday party!

Truly, the most special birthday party to celebrate our favorite two-year-old!!

You are so loved and adored, sweet boy!

The sweetest housewarming gift from my sweet friend Kristen - in honor of celebrating our recent move to my great grandparents' home as we pursue the dreams that the Lord has been leading us to - so excited!! And so much to be thankful for! :)

Eating some of Nana's (Judson's great-grandmother's) yummy homemade bread for breakfast! The best!

Loving all of his new toys from friends and family at his birthday party!

Trail runs with my best boy!

Sweet little playdate at the house with some dear friends!

Bubbles and walking with my favorite boys!

Morning "cheers" with my bestie!

Snacktime outside is just the best!

Mornings with him are my very favorite!

Front porch cuddle sesh!

Steak dinner with my hubby after the little one was asleep - hehe! I love this man!

Shipping out some last EMC orders, grabbing a yummy iced latte downtown, and some sweet Judson snuggles before heading out to the BEACH for Memorial Day Weekend slash Judson's birthday weekend!!

Sweet sleepy little buddy on our way down to the beach!

So very thankful to get to spend his birthday down at the beach! In his happy place!!

Thank you, Jesus, for gifting us with two whole years of pure love, laughter, and JOY upon JOY with our sweet little Judson – the happiest and most precious baby boy in the whole wide world!! Oh, what a GIFT it is getting to be his parents! These truly are “the days,” and we are savoring them so very much!! It just keeps on getting better and better – and we give all the glory to you!



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