Our sweet Judson is 18 months old today,

and we are cherishing this precious little age so much!!

The past year and a half with our country and animal-lovin' baby boy has been nothing short of magical, and truly have been the best days of our lives!

I love being a mommy more than anything in the world, and never knew it was possible to love so deeply!

It is such a JOY getting to wake up to see my baby boy’s smiling face every single morning, and such a reminder of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness!

I feel so blessed beyond words getting to love and be loved by my sweet boys, and there is nothing I love more than getting to raise the sweetest baby boy alongside my very best friend and love of my life…

who just so happens to be the best “dada” ever!!

“I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.” // Psalm 9:1

Somehow, it truly does just keep on getting better and better –

and it is such a gift getting to watch our baby boy explore the world and experience the magic and wonder of this time of year through his little eyes!!

Judson is still the sweetest little cuddly baby bear (forever a mama’s boy, hehe)

when it’s time for nursing,

naps, or bedtime,

and allllll boy when it’s time to play!

He truly has the best little personality –

so fun, curious, playful (always wants to be running around outside with his puppy bestie, Red!!),

and yet so tender and sweet, too!

He is such a gift from the Lord,

and I absolutely cannot wait to see what God has in store ahead for his little life!!

It is a gift getting to steward this precious blessing for God’s glory (especially during these teeny tiny years!!),

and I pray that he grows up to love Jesus with his whole heart, mind, and soul!

Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with the most joy-filled year and a half with our sweet little Judson!

He radiates your light in the way that he simply loves life,

and it is so much fun getting to cherish this wonderful time of year with him in my arms!

This past month has been full of the sweetest memories –

from a trip to Hendersonville to visit the Carl Sandburgh Home (and let Judson see all of the goats!),

dressing up as “Goldilocks and The Three Bears” for Halloween -

(Judson was the CUTEST baby bear ever!),

trick-or-treating with some of our very best friends,

a family wedding up in the NC mountains

(and Judson got to hang out with his “birthday twin cousin,” Henry,

decorating the house for Christmas,

going on a fun little fall weekend getaway to the beach -

getting to pick out our Christmas tree up in the mountains,

celebrating Thanksgiving with family,

and so much more!

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

Got to start off Halloween weekend with a visit to the beautiful Carl Sandburg Home up in Hendersonville, NC -

with the gorgeous fall leaves in peak season

and lots of “goat goats” that Judson loved getting to meet!!

What a sweet fall friday up in the mountains with my favorite boys!!

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers…”

This time of year in the NC mountains and our happy baby boy bring me so much JOY!

Happy Halloweekend from our little pumpkin!!

We had so much fun the next afternoon carving pumpkins in the backyard with the gorgeous fall leaves -

our little family (& front porch) was all ready for Halloween come that Monday!!

It just doesn’t get better than pumpkin carving,

rainy day snuggles, breathtaking fall leaves,

and costume fun for our little baby bear!!

These are the sweetest memories - we love October and all things fall tradition! #homesweethalloweekend

Happy Halloween from Goldilocks & The Three Bears!!!

You are so very loved, our little baby bear Judson!! The sweetest, cutest, and cuddliest baby bear there ever was - so there couldn’t possibly be a more fitting costume for our little love (and his teddy bear bestie, “Buddy the Bear”) who got to join in on the custome, too hehe)!!

We had the very best time trick-or-treating in our little “Halloweentown” here in sparkle city with the sweetest friends!!

Baby Bear & Woody are the “best of friends” and were happy and content as can be,

literally “along for the ride” in their little wagon!!

Goldilocks & The Three Bears meets Toy Story -

so thankful to get to make sweet Halloween memories with these besties of ours!

Nothing sweeter than Halloween with our sweet real life teddy bear, Judson!!

Sweet Judson, you sure do have our whole heart!!

Your precious, happy, fun, and outdoors-loving little personality brings us so much joy upon JOY -

and man, there is nothing sweeter than fall with this little lovebug and his puppy bestie, Red!!

November is always a month of giving thanks -

and boy oh boy, do I have a lot to be thankful for in this sweet life with my country boys!!

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” // Psalm 100:4-5

Grateful to be just about finished with my grad school degree so soon (Jesus has been SO faithful in and throughout this whole season and I will never stop giving Him ALL the glory!!),

for our sweet, happy, strong, healthy, outdoors and animal-loving baby boy (who always keeps us smiling and laughing), and my precious husband who is the most selfless, loving, supportive, and encouraging man I know!!

Being a wife to the man of my dreams and mommy to our sweet Judson is the greatest gift and such a testament to the goodness and faithfulness of God!

And thank you Jesus for the beautiful changing leaves outside and for all the sweet Judson snuggles, giggles, and lovin’ these days!! My heart is just so full!! #novembergratitude

We had the best time celebrating the wedding of Allie & Alfred up at the beautiful Kanuga Retreat - we love y’all so much and are SO happy for you!!

And loved getting to spend so much time with family that weekend

and getting the “birthday twin cousins” - Judson and Henry - together!

Also, Judson was the life of the party and tearing up the dance floor… we definitely have a little party animal on our hands, and he is just too much fun -

he lovessss some good bumpin’ music (swipe over on this post to see a blurry video hehe 🎶) and his little “praise hands!!” #fallweddingvibes

Feeling merry & bright in the Mabry household!

We spent the rainy, cozy fall weekend getting out the red and green boxes and decorating our house for Christmas

(all that was left was our *real* tree - which we went to go get in the mountains a couple weeks after - & our outside twinkly lights that Wes hangs every year)!!

We have decorated earlier and earlier since being married haha, and I think having a little one truly just makes it all even more magical!

I love getting to soak in and experience all the seasons with our baby boy!!

And we are alllll about extending and spreading the Christmas joy a little extra around here, and with this having been a particularly busy season for us these past few months with finishing grad school and all the things, I’m all about doing whatever brings JOY (which just so happens to have been my “word” for the year of 2022)!!!

PS. If you haven’t already, make sure to go check out Ellie Holcomb’s new Christmas song for children, called “Sounding Joy” (the background music in this little reel showing some of our Christmas decor up ) - Judson LOVES it and so do we! Perfect for littles this wonder-filled time of year!

And for those of you who have asked, I have linked lots of our favorite Christmas decor over on my LTKit page (@emilyjoannemabry - https://www.liketoknow.it/emilyjoannemabry)- so make sure to go check it out and “shop with me,” there!! Do more of what brings you JOY!!!

Goodness GRACIOUS, I sure do love this little fall-loving boy!!!

Our pride and joy!!

It sure is fun soaking in allll the seasons with you, sweet Judson!!

The coast is definitely our “happy place” -

and we sure are thankful for the sweetest little fall getaway by the sand and sea we had this month!!

Thank you Lord for family,

what turned out to be a gorgeous weekend down at the beach,

and these precious memories with our joyful beach-loving baby!! #novemberbeachgetaway #fallbythesea

Sweetest little water baby I ever did see -

this sweet boy LOVES the water!!!

Making the best beach memories this little fall weekend by the sea!

Beyond thankful for the sweetest boys to love and be loved by, and for your beautiful Creation!

Nothing more special than a little fall getaway weekend by the sea with our little beach baby!!

These are the moments and memories of this season that I want to bottle up in my heart forever and ever,

with our sweet beach-lovin’ baby boy at the most PRECIOUS age!!

From doing a little Christmas shopping at the outlets,

to slow mornings overlooking the beautiful view in Christmas jammies,

all the Judson giggles

and snuggles,

seafood dinner on a dock overlooking the marsh,

and see the fishie fish at Bass Pro Shops,

and lots of sweet time playing out on the beach with sand between our toes… it truly was the most special little fall weekend getaway by the sea!!!

And we couldn’t be more thankful!!

Thank you Lord for a weekend of fun and refreshment as we head into the holiday season -

every moment is such a GIFT,

You’re a little thanksgiving dream, my sweet sweet baby boy!!!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with the cutest and happiest little love in the whole wide world!

You bring us so much joy upon JOY, sweet Judson!

Being your mommy is the greatest blessing of my life,

and we are having so much fun celebrating alllll the magic of the seasons with you!!

We had the very best time going to pick out our Christmas tree up in the NC mountains -

our favorite tradition of all!!

So thankful for my boys and making the sweetest holiday memories this time of year with our happy baby boy!!

It’s our very favorite tradition of all getting to drive the red truck up to the mountains to get our Christmas tree!

Our Santa baby sure was having a ball helping us pick out our Frazier fir -

and showed off his dancing skills when we found the perfect one!!

These are the trips and holiday season memories we will always cherish with our precious baby boy!!

Nothing like Christmas in the country with these two!!

#christmasjoy #santababy #christmastreefarm #redbarntreefarm #christmastreetradition #christmasinthecountry

Oh, what a joy it is getting to see the world through your eyes, sweet boy!! We are thanking the Lord for your precious life this Thanksgiving week and cherishing these special memories and moments with you!!

I sure do love being a mama and love my little family!! #happythanksgivingweek

“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” // Psalm 106:1

Our little turkey was all ready on this happy “thanksgiving eve!”

Definitely counting my blessings in this sweet life with the sweetest boys!!

Happy Thanksgiving from our little family to yours!! We are so grateful beyond words for this sweet life with our animal-lovin' baby boy!!

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." // Psalm 100:4

Feeling so very blessed to get to love and be loved by all of my sweet boys!!

Jesus, you are so good to us!!

We can never thank you enough for your abundance of love and blessings upon our little family!!

I never want to forget this precious age and season getting to experience the wonder and joy of the seasons through sweet Judson’s precious eyes!

This happy little turkey had the very best thanksgiving -

full of lots of yummy food (such a good little eater!!),

We have so very much to be thankful for -

and loved getting to celebrate in gratitude with those we love this Thanksgiving Day!!

And just like that… it’s officially Christmas at the Mabry’s -

the most joyful, wonderful, and happiest time of year

(that you dream about all year long)!!

The halls are decked, the twinkly lights and Christmas tree are up,

and I am oh so excited to experience the magic of the season with the sweetest blessings of all in my boys!

There is nothing more precious than seeing Christmas through the eyes of our baby boy!!

Nothing sweeter than coming home from Thanksgiving Weekend to our house all merry & bright -

I am one happy happy girl getting to spend this Christmas season in our winter wonderland with my sweet, sweet boys -

and can’t wait to experience the magic of Christmas through our baby boy’s eyes!! #christmasmagic

And onto a little EMC Note… yesterday just so happened to be #smallbusinesssaturday – and man, I really don’t have the words to thank y’all enough… but from the bottom of my heart - thank you thank you THANK YOU for all of your love and support of this family small business!! We have been busy busy busy this past week over here at EMC packing orders - and I officially just closed my Christmas custom orders list!!! Thank you for the love and support and I can’t wait to keep sending out lots of my happy art prints for Christmas!! I am already taking custom orders now for early 2023, so let me know if you’d like to be added to that list! And in case you missed it… make sure to check out and take advantage of the EMC Black Friday Sale going on through tonight!! I have lots of prints and notecard BOGO orders coming in as we speak – and this is such a great last chance to finish up all of your Christmas shopping!!

This is what EMC looks like most days - packing orders with my little love, sweet Judson, and hubby (Wes took this photo earlier this week as we were busy at work) cheering me on… and I truly wouldn’t have it any other way!! It truly means the world to our family that y’all choose to #shopsmallthisholidayseason - and I cherish every single order I get to create and share with y’all! I hope everyone has had the most joy-filled Thanksgiving weekend spent with those you love and a wonderful start to the Christmas season ahead!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along, too!! And make sure to message me today to go ahead and get your EMC Christmas orders in, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my LIKEtoKNOW.it story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:
I have also added “links” in the captions below (and throughout this blog post!) where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Now onto some more sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet Judson… precious memories and moments that I hope and pray I will always remember!

Oh, how I adore my little love!

We sure do love storytime with "Dada!"

Friday morning cinnamon rolls with "Dada!"

Sweet sleeping babe on our way up to Hendersonville, NC!

Judson had the best time visiting the Carl Sandburg Home!

And he especially loved getting to see all of the goats!!

We had so much fun carving pumpkins!!

All dressed up in his adorable "baby bear" Halloween costume for "Nana!"

And then getting to show his costume to "RaRa" and "Papa Jack!"

Cutest little baby bear I ever did see!!

We had so much fun trick-or-treating with our friends!!

Riding the tricycle with "Dada!"

Having so much fun playing in the leaves!!

Cutie pie playing with the leftover glow sticks from a wedding!

Cutest breakfast loves!

We had so much fun decorating for Christmas - we have started decorating earlier and earlier ever since having Judson haha!

It brings us soo much JOY!

Judson loved looking at the Christmas tree lights from outside!

Judson LOVES to dance and was quite the little party animal at a family wedding this month!

Merry & bright in the Mabry household!

Always love getting to watch "Dada" preach at his college ministry events!

Daylight savings means it is dark before "Dada" gets home from work now... so it was a dark playground date haha!

Judson loves to read his stories for us - the cutest thing!!

Cutest start to our morning in the baby swing!

Both of my napping babies - Judson and Red haha!

We got our voting in!!

Love my boys so much!

Judson and his love for his broom!!

Tiny human... big broom haha!

He would rather play with a broom than just about anything else haha!

LOVES playing in the leaves outside!!

Packed up and headed down to the beach for a fall weekend getaway!

And ofcourse I was writing a grad school paper while little buddy napped!

Bathtime at the beach is always fun!

Carrying on our tradition of "Duck Donuts" at the beach!!

Our little beach baby!!

Judson loved going to see the fish at Bass Pro Shops!

And getting to see the pretty Christmas tree!

Judson LOVED swimming in the indoor pool at the beach condo!!

Splish splash... havin' a blast!!

The sweetest little fall weekend getaway with my boys!

Snoozin' away on our way back home!

Cozy spaghetti dinner for a chilly night!!

And having so much fun playing with the "choo choo" train!

Coming back from our evening walk to the twinkly lights on!

Our twinkly lights make me smile so big!!

Nothing cuter than a baby in Christmas jammies!

Always wants to read stories right before and after his naps!

A little happy dance after a yummy bite haha!

Post-lunchtime joy!

Judson loves pushing around his red wagon!

And always always throwing the ball with his puppy bestie, Red!

That happy feeling when you finish and submit your VERY LAST grad school paper... woohoo!!

And celebrate with Christmas movies and peppermint milkshakes!!

Always wanting to go play outside with Red!

We had such a fun time going to pick out our Christmas tree in the NC Mountains -

our favorite tradition of all!

Judson loves "giving hugs" to the reindeer in the front yard! So precious!

We went on a special walk after shipping out lots of EMC art orders!

Buddies who play together, nap together!! #judsonandred

Nature trail runs with my baby bestie!

Bathtime sweetness with my sweet boys!

Thanksgiving storytime with "Dada!"

And snuggles, too!

A thanksgiving eve trip to our favorite local burger joint!

And a playground date after!

Judson loved getting to pet the goats at our Thanksgiving Round 1 with "Dada's" side of the family!

Thanksgiving Day with family! He loves his "Nana" and "Papaw" as well as his "RaRa" and "Papa Jack" (not pictured)!

Judson loves his "Auntie MOJO!"

You know it was a good thanksgiving when the night ends like this, haha!

A chill, rainy day after thanksgiving back home in Charlotte!

Always sentimental rocking Judson to sleep in my parents' old rocking chair!

We discovered that Judson LOVES to play the piano! He and "Nana" were having so much fun!

Mom & Dad had a "date night out" for my 10 year high school reunion! #gomustangs!

Having so much fun playing in the same yard mama grew up playing in! #sosweet

And ended the weekend watching football with "Dada!" #housedivided

Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with another month full of joy and abundant life with our baby boy! Being parents to our little Judson is such a gift beyond words, and we want to cherish every moment!!

We are praising you for the past 18 months (a whole year and a half!!) of our sweet boy’s life – as we seek to raise Him up to love and serve you! So excited to experience the magic of “the most wonderful time of year” through his little eyes this Christmas, and for all of the sweet traditions and memories we will make!