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Reflecting on One Whole Year of EMC


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

// Ephesians 3:20-21 //

I can’t believe that, as of this month (April 12th to be exact), it’s been a whole year since I took the biggest leap of faith and started Emily Mabry Creative from the ground up!

Starting this lettering art business and watching it transform and grow right before my eyes has been humbling and amazing all at the same time, and I can only give God the glory! He gave me this vision, but I had no idea it would turn into what it has now. He has been the one behind, before, and through it all! It has been such a fun creative outlet for me to share my love of creativity and art, while also a place for me to share the light, love, beauty, and joy of the Lord with so so many! God gives us dreams for a reason, and it is so beautiful to watch them unfold as we trust Him and walk the path He has for us! Like the verse I put at the beginning of this blog post, I truly believe God can and will do immeasurably more than we could every ask or imagine when we trust Him and step out in faith…and that is what this lettering art and creative business journey has been for me.

I recently had the honor of being asked to be on a podcast with my dear friend Airriaunte over at Fearlessly Fit Faith (@fearlesslyfitfaith on Facebook and Instagram) the other week, and it was so special to get to share a little more about my heart and story behind EMC, as well as my sweet husband (Wes – who is my absolute biggest encourager and cheerleader behind EMC) and I’s unique story, too! Make sure to go check it out and listen to it on Apple podcasts at:

And if you haven’t already, go check out @emilymabrycreative on Instagram and Facebook to see all of the fun things I’ve been up to and stay in the loop! I’d love to have you following along, too, and even create something special for you or your loved ones! 🎨

I am so thankful for my “happy little corner of the internet,” as I’ve had lots of friends and customers refer to EMC as. But seriously, there are no words to describe how much I love getting to create happy and encouraging lettering art that sparks beauty and joy in the lives of others - especially with everything going on in the world right now!

The mission behind Emily Mabry Creative, from the very beginning, has been to help others see the beauty and joy in creation that points us back to our true Creator - God. For as long as I can remember, my mom would remind me of Philippians 4:8 when I needed encouragement, and it is a verse I have clung to no matter what life has thrown my way.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -think about such things."

// Philippians 4:8 //

My hope and prayer, now and always, is that EMC will be a welcoming and encouraging space that helps us set our minds on things above and points people closer to Jesus, most importantly! He is the one behind, before, and ahead of all things that I do and I am so grateful to get to steward this sweet business of mine for His glory alone!

And more than anything, my hope for this page is that you feel encouraged and see just how loved you are by God! I am SO passionate about helping others feel welcome & a part of something bigger than themselves. I know what it feels like to feel left out and not good enough. So here's your reminder of truth - You are *more than* welcome here, friends! And so very loved and known by God!

As I heard Beth Moore once say…whenever she experiences and learns something new from God, she said it was impossible for her not to share with others…because she wanted EVERYONE to get to experience the same goodness, mercy, and love of Jesus Christ. And I couldn’t agree more. His love is too too good not to want to share and spread to everyone you know and everyone you meet! My heart’s desire is to be a living fire for Jesus and to shine His light and radiate His love in all that I do – because He is the one that guides my every thought and step. And He is the King of my Heart.

It has been so cool to go back and reflect on prayers and journals from a year ago, and when I was coming up with a name and mission for this little business, the three words that the Lord kept putting on my heart were: beauty, joy, and create.

I truly believe in the power of creation - now more than ever. And in times like these, it is so easy to find ourselves “consuming” media, news, and information that can cause us to become fearful and anxious about the future. That’s why it is more important than ever before to create and spread God’s light, beauty, joy, peace, hope, and joy... to ALL.

For me, this little Instagram page and business has been such a unique outlet to do so, but there are so many other ways as well. Texting your friends and family members who are lonely or hurting, calling your relatives who may be sick or isolated, and simply sharing with others - whether that is meals, financial resources, encouragement, or whatever they may need!

Creating beauty and joy and shining God’s light will look different for every single one of us and the unique people He has placed in and around our lives. Only we know what God has called us to do. But I pray that we will continue to do good and share with others - because that is what God has called every single one of us to do!

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

// Hebrews 13:16 //

And to close this little blog post, I wanted to share some encouraging words that I read by some of my favorite worship artists over at Maverick City Music –

“In a time of so much uncertainty & fear, we, the people of GOD, are able to stand confident on the word of GOD. We can do that because Philippians 1:6 says “be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” We have the audacity of Hope to sing in uncertain times because GOD never wastes an experience & HE is making us more like HIM in the good and the bad. Whatever HE says, we choose to believe.”

I love y’all and am so blown away by this encouraging and supportive community! Let’s continue to create and share beauty, light, peace, and joy with others! It matters more than you know - especially in times like these! Keep shining your light! And thank you for following along and supporting this small business of mine over this past year – it has been an absolute dream come true and immeasurably more than I could have ever asked or imagined! To God be ALL the glory!

“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead…”

// 1 Peter 1:6 //



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