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September Blog Post - Gifts from God!


Today marks yet another wonderful, joy-filled month with our little love, Judson, that has been full of so many special memories and gifts from God!

We feel so blessed and grateful for all that God is doing in our family, and can never stop praising and thanking Him enough for His good good gifts from above –

immeasurably more than we could ever ask, imagine, or deserve!!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” // James 1:17

We are praising Jesus for this sweet simple country life we are living these days and excited for what He has in store ahead!

Every day is such an adventure with my sweet boys,

and I feel like the luckiest wifey and mama in the whole wide world to get to do life with them –

two of my greatest gifts from God,

and somehow, it just keeps on getting better!

All glory to God – the best is yet to come!

“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” // Isaiah 25:1

And just like that, our little Judson is 28 months old (still so fun doing these monthly blog posts hehe) and full of life, joy, laughter, and fun!

He is alllll boy and wants to be outside at all times, so we stay pretty busy during the days – feeding the chickens, checking for eggs, going out to the land on our farm sweet farm, taking care of the garden, exploring around town and on the trails, going to his new little class at my weekly bible study, and so much more!

I feel so blessed to be his mama and am soaking up every bit of this precious little age and stage – where he still loves to cuddle and be with mommy but has also now turned into my tiny little best friend I can talk to – it is the SWEETEST!!!

I know I say this all the time… but being “mama” is my favorite title ever – and I know it is my greatest calling (and what I have always dreamed of being)!

These truly are “the days,”

and I sure am savoring every single one with our precious firstborn son these days!!

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

Click here to see a little video clip of Judson and I’s little morning smoothie date outside and a visit from our “chick chick” hehe!

Click here to see a little video collection clip of sweet beach memories with our little Judson

– rounding out the sweet sweet summertime feeling oh so very blessed with my sweet “beach boys!”

Click here to see a sweet #corememory these days (that I always want to remember) is that Wes keeps coming home & surprising me with Southern Living (& other farmhouse type house) magazines!! It’s so fun looking through and dreaming about what we want to put out on our farm one day!!! What a sweet season this is! Dreaming with my boys & all that’s to come! #chaseyourdreamswhileyoureyoung #15acrefarm #fromthegroundup #buildingourdream #chasingourdreamtogether

PS. Also, Judson building his little magnetic tiles “house” next to the magazine just about melts my heart!! I didn’t even realize this until after the fact! How stinking precious! “Carpenter” (my maiden name) IS his middle name (and my Papaw Carpenter WAS an amazing carpenter/engineer - so it must run in his blood hehe)!! #ourlittlecarpenter

Happy September, sweet friends!!

It’s that wonderful time of year when summer is fading into fall,

and we just want to spend every single second outside with our little love!!

Playing out in my Mamaw’s garden

(my favorite place as a child, and now Judson’s too),

walks on the mountain trails by our house to see the leaves beginning to change,

entering “busy season” over at EMC (& oh so grateful),

cooking up some yummy foods as we are entering “cozy season” soon hehe, loving on our “chick chicks,” daily checking on our garden, and truly just cherishing these precious days with my country boys!!

August sure was a sweet month around here -

savoring every last bit of sweet summertime

and welcoming in the fall season!!

Nothing like a little Labor Day weekend front porch swing snuggle sesh with this little angel! Click here to see a little video memory of the sweetest snuggles! #allthesnuggles #frontporchswinglivin #slowsundays #longweekendvibes #countryliving #happylabordayweekend

Click here to see a video clip I put together of a little Labor Day Sunday afternoon

spent getting our fall garden ready!!

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage & spinach!! #fallgarden #fallgardening #labordayweekendgardening

We went to the most beautiful wedding reception for one of Wes’ high school buddies and they played the song (“Growing Old With You”) for their first dance, and the lyrics completely melted my heart!!

So thankful to be in this sweet season of “putting down roots” with my boys and dreaming about all that’s to come out on our #farmsweetfarm !!

Counting my blessings this Labor Day Weekend - and this sweet country life with these sweet boys being the greatest blessing of all!! #labordaysunday #thankyoulord

Happy Labor Day from our little fam to yours!!

We sure do love welcoming in the very start to the fall season with this cutie “apple of our eye” and had the sweetest time celebrating up at the NC Apple Festival!! #happylaborday #ncapplefestival #labordayfair

Click here to see a cutie little video clip from our fun time at the NC Apple Festival!

Thankful for a sweet Labor Day Weekend with my boys -

full of having oh so much fun

getting our fall garden planted,

a beautiful wedding reception in sparkle city,

front porch swing snuggles with my little angel,

a trip to the NC Apple Festival,

and just beginning to welcome in the very start to the fall harvest season!!

Forever fallin’ for my sweet country boys!! #happyfallyall

And just like that, it’s the first week of September and the Mabry home is ready for the cozy fall season!!

It brings me SO much joy to decorate our home as we welcome in the new seasons, and boy oh boy -

I feel so very blessed to celebrate harvest time with the very sweetest blessings of all!! #falldecor #falldecorations #falldecorating #septemberhome

Click here to see a little “home tour” of all of our fall decor!

PS. You can shop all of our “fall decor” over on my LTKit shop ( )!!

Love having so many of y’all follow along and “shop with me” over there -

as I am always sharing all kinds of lifestyle, home, and baby/toddler finds!!

“Fall is in the air” over here in the Mabry household with this little pumpkin!!

We have been having oh so much fun decorating this sweet little home,

admiring the *start* to the changing leaves on our walks,

and Judson had a wonderful first day

(& was excited about his brand new shoes hehe)

at his new little weekly nursery class

(for my new local Bible study)!!

My cup is full and I am truly savoring these precious days!! #savorthis #thesearethedays #welcomeautumn

When Autumn kisses your home…

“May the bounty of the season fill your heart and home” -

The Mabry home is officially ready for FALL, y’all!!

Happy Fall from our little family to yours!!

Click here to watch a little video of baking some yummy homemade sourdough pumpkin muffins with my cutie little pumpkin!!

He is such a good little helper in the kitchen and loves to be a part of whatever I’m doing -

and man, I am savoring these precious fall days with him!!

Our dream come true and little slice of heaven! #farmsweetfarm

After years of praying and searching … God led us to our dream 15 acres to one day build our family dreams on - and it is immeasurably more than we could have ever dreamed of or imagined! #15acrefarm #thankyoulord

Click here to see a short little video clip Wes sent me of the land!

Sweet Wes sent me these photos and videos with his old red truck the other morning while he was out working on our land, and man… the sounds out there are just heavenly! What a DREAM come true this farm is for us - and we are so excited for all that the Lord has for our family there one day!!! #oursliceofheaven #rollingpastureacres #themabryfarm #thebestisyettocome

The sweetest most glory-filled little simple country weekend with my boys -

one we will always always cherish & remember!! God, your CREATION truly takes our breath away!!

Soaking in these precious days and excited for all the good good things God has ahead for our family!!

“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” // Revelation 4:11

We spent that Sunday afternoon driving out to our farm sweet farm,

stopping by Strawberry Hill to get some produce

(& play Of course!!!), and then surprised Wes’ parents!!

It was a happy happy Sunday indeed!

Thank you, Lord, for your good good gifts!!!

And I’ve mostly just been over here having a slow weekend at home soaking in sweet baby J snuggles in our cozy fall decor and thanking Jesus for the gift of being a mommy - truly, all I’ve ever wanted to be!!!

Such a special weekend and we are praising Jesus for all that He is doing in our lives and in our little family - oh how GOOD you are to us, Lord!! #giftsfromgod #goodthingsahead #lifeisagift

My little wheelbarrow and red wagon, puppy & chicken lovin’ country boy -

it just doesn’t get better than days like this!

My cup overflows and I’m living my “mommy dream” come true!

What a sweet sweet start to the September “harvest season” and “time of abundance” it has been for our family already -

as we are soo very excited for what God has in store ahead,

and also cherishing and so very grateful for the goodness of “right now” in the present!!!

These truly are the days and we are savoring every one as the gift that it is, and just so thankful for the Lord’s loving kindness and faithfulness to our family!!

I always look forward to the beautiful changing of seasons in the fall!

I’m all about this new literal season, and I’m loving seeing the leaves just beginning to start changing, too!

“I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck!” #applepickingseason

Apple pickin’ (one of our favorite fall traditions of all) with the “apples of my eye” and thanking Jesus for our many many blessings this sweet September season -

I sure am one blessed and thankful mama and God has been so good to us!!

Click here to see a little reel I put together of our sweet little trip to go apple picking!

You will forever be the “apple of our eye,”

sweet Judson - our precious firstborn son!!

We had the very sweetest trip up to beautiful Skytop Orchard

to welcome in the fall harvest season

and celebrate the goodness of God’s Creation with one of our favorite traditions of all!!

Truly living out the days and dreams we always prayed for out on our farm sweet farm!! This picture captures the pure JOY of this season, and man, the goodness upon goodness of God to our family!!

Can’t wait to grow, raise, and build our dreams and family here with you, Wes!!

Click here to see the sweetest reel of Judson riding with tractor with “Dada” out on the land! Be still may heart!

Sweet Wes had been out working bush-hogging on the land all day, so Judson and I stopped by to bring him a yummy homemade lunch!

It is so fun getting to spend so much time out here on our sweet farm sweet farm these days and dreaming about all that’s to come for our family here!!

“You’re the apple of my eye!”

Click here to see a fun little video of Judson and I having oh so much fun baking our yummy homemade apple pie (with all those apples we picked) to share with family in town visiting!!

Nothing sweeter than homemade desserts to share with those you love during this fall “harvest season” time of year! #harvestseason #fallharvest #homemadeapplepie #applepie #applepiebaking #bakingwithlittles #falltraditions #homesweethome #lovebeingmommy

PS. Exactly 3 years ago on this day (September 17th), we found out we were pregnant with our little pumpkin -

and man, what a blessing of JOY he has been!! And goodness gracious, it just keeps on getting better and better!! God has been so good to us and the best is yet to come!!!

What a sweettttt sweet and memorable weekend it was with my handsome country boys!! #weekendphotodump #weekendrecap #farmsweetfarm #themabryfarm

Wes got a ton of work done out on our farm sweet farm (& Judson lovedddd getting to go visit and be a “big boy” and ride the tractor with “Dada”),

our chickens starting laying eggs (!!!!),

our tomato plants are in full bloom (since we planted so late this year upon moving up to this sweet home),

we baked a yummy homemade apple pie (with our freshly picked apples hehe) to share with family who came up to visit,

explored around the cutest downtown forest city,

and ended up cooking lots of yummy food to share with some loved ones!!

We LOVED getting to meet my friend Emily's sweet new baby girl, Annie Beth!

Such a little angel baby!!

My heart and cup is full and I am so grateful for God’s blessings upon blessings in our simple little country life these days -

truly soaking up and savoring every second of this beautiful season we’re living!!!

Click here to see my FAVORITE VIDEO OF JUDSON… ever!!! He is singing “Jesus Loves Me”, and I pray I never forget this moment!

Be still my heart! Yes, Jesus sure does love you, sweet baby boy!!! #momentslikethis #mommylife #bestillmyheart #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesmethisiknow #jesuslovesyou

“Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong!” - it’s fine, just crying over here! I love being his mommy!!! We were finishing up breakfast and headed off to Bible study this morning and he was so excited, he started singing his favorite little song while we were “washing dishes” and my heart melted!! It’s moments like THIS that I never ever want to forget!!

Praising Jesus for the gift of being his mommy, and lots of exciting things ahead for our family!! All glory to Him alone!!

Nothing more important than raising up our babies to know and love Jesus, mamas!!

So grateful for these sweet, simple, slow country fall days with our sweet boy!!

I love being “mommy” more than anything in the whole wide world!

This is such a special time for our little family and we are thanking Jesus for His many many gifts as we welcome in this “harvest season” with those we love -

what a gift this life is, and the beauty of new seasons!! #newseasons #doinganewthing #septemberblessings #lifelately #simplejoys

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” // Isaiah 43:19

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” // Ecclesiastes 3:1

After such a fun day exploring around the Sugar Mountain/Banner Elk area, this past beautiful fall Friday night up in the NC Mountains called for a cozy bonfire & s’mores off the back deck!!

Man, am I thankful for nights like this in this sweettttt sweet season of life!! #fallfridaynight

Click here to see a little video clip of our Friday night bonfire in the mountains – so fun!

Such a fun and special night celebrating Maggie and David with my forever wedding date up at the most stunning venue in the NC Mountains!!

Nothing like seeing your childhood across-the-street neighbor getting married!!

We are all so excited for y’all, Maggie, and praying so much love and happiness for the years upon years to come!!

Man oh man,

what a special fall mountain weekend with family to remember forever and ever!!

Can’t think of a better way to welcome in the *official* start to the fall season!! #fallmountainweekend

With the most stunning mountain sunrise views from our little cabin in the woods,

gorgeous walks to see the leaves just beginning to change

(& even found an adorable little playground for Judson, too),

a “day date” with my hubby to downtown Banner Elk

(& found the cutest coffee/flower shop in an old red train caboose overlooking the most stunning property - and met the owner - whose family was one of the original founders of the town - sooo neat hearing his story!!),

spotted sooo many deer right by our cabin,

took Judson to the original Mast General Store in Valle Crucis

(I hadn’t been since I went with my church youth group as a little girl -

and have such fond memories of that trip), made a bonfire out on the back patio,

enjoyed sweet sweet time with family,

and ended the weekend with the most gorgeous wedding for a childhood friend -

it sure was a weekend to remember and are hearts are full!!

Click here to watch a little video I put together of our fall mountain weekend with family and loved ones in such a sweet and special new season of our lives - thank you, Lord!!

And onto a little EMC note… it’s officially that wonderful fall time of year again.... and as crazy as it sounds, I’m already receiving lots and lots of messages for Christmas orders and am SO excited to get to help y’all spread lots of love and joy through EMC designs again this year! And so glad that so many of y’all are already thinking ahead and wanting to stock up on all of your favorite EMC designs now!!

I know I’ve already mentioned this a few times on my stories, but we are entering my busiest time of the year over here at EMC and I love receiving large orders for both prints and notecard sets that y’all are wanting to stock up on for all of your stocking stuffer and gifting needs!! On that note, I will be closing off my custom orders list prettyyy early this year for Christmas gifts (as we have some exciting things ahead for my little family and want to fully soak in sweet family time with my boys), so if you are wanting to place a custom order (for custom home designs, custom wedding designs, really anything custom!!), please go ahead and get your orders in ASAP so I can guarantee Christmas delivery!

My whole heart behind EMC designs is to showcase the beauty and joy of your favorite cities, schools, places, memories, homes, and special words or bible verses! So message me today if you’d like to place a new custom order, and as always, to order any and all of your favorite EMC city/town/school prints and bible verse/encouraging words designs, too! These make the BEST unique and thoughtful gift ideas and are perfect ways to spread all the love this upcoming holiday season!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Thank you, Jesus, for such a special and memorable month with my sweet family –

and for all of your many many blessings from above!

We are truly so grateful and savoring these precious days with our little Judson, and so excited for what the Lord has in store ahead!!



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