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Sweet Baby Mabry #2 is… Another Baby in BLUE – Sweet Baby Levi Rhett! And… Judson is 2.5 Years Old!!


Sweet Baby Mabry #2 is… another baby in BLUE! Levi Rhett Mabry, we can’t wait to meet you!! Our hearts are overflowing with JOY that we are having another baby BOY!!

Thank heaven for little country boys that we will get to raise out on our farm sweet farm!! #boymama #babyboynumbertwo #levirhettmabry #babybrother

We are over the moon excited that Judson is getting a baby BROTHER built-in bestie - or “bubba,” as he likes to call him now!! And so grateful to God that He has entrusted us with another precious SON and arrow to raise up for His glory!!

We cannot wait to watch Judson become a big brother and watch the gift of brotherhood unfold!! #raisingboys #raisingarrows #brotherbesties

“Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” // Psalm 127:3-5

I sure am excited that I still get to be “Queen of the Castle,” lol, as Wes likes to say!! I love being surrounded by all these boys!! There is just nothing like a “mama’s boy!” And especially with our 15 acre farm sweet farm now, it sure is going to be nice having all these “farm hands” around hehe!!

We know that God has a mighty and wonderful plan for your life, Levi Rhett, and we love you so very much!! You are named after your daddy’s granny (who went by “Rhett”), who gained her angel wings just DAYS before we became pregnant with you (and we didn’t even know it yet) - but we were able to tell her the day before she passed that we planned to name our next baby after her - and I will never forget the look of joy in her eyes (it was like she already knew about you)!!

Granny went to heaven, and Jesus immediately breathed new life into my womb… it still gives me chills to think about!! God has had such a beautiful plan for your life from the very beginning, and your name-story is yet another testimony to God’s goodness and faithfulness in ALL the details!! The beautiful circle of life - Jesus writes the best stories of all!

It was you all along, Levi Rhett!!

The day we found out baby #2’s gender was such a special special day for our growing family

(Click here to see a little "teaser" video I made on that day before we shared our news), and we’ve been soaking it alllll in!!

The boys and I got to see baby #2 on the ultrasound again and we got to find out the gender as a family -

which is such a special tradition for us now!!!

Afterwards, we picked out baby’s first stuffed animal (a little cow) - and it even has the baby’s whittle heartbeat in there - so Judson can listen to it “alllll da time,” as he proudly said!! We are sooooo grateful and thankful for this tiny gift from Jesus were so excited to share the news, but for that one day, we just wanted to soak in “our little secret” - and even picked up some little gifts for baby at my friend Emily’s store, “Southern Charm Gifts,"

before we headed out to our farm sweet farm to get some sweet little “gender reveal” photos done out on the land!!

And ofcourse we ended the night saying, “night night” to all the “cow cows” (hence the cow heart-beat stuffed animal for baby #2)

and deer at sunset before leaving our little slice of heaven,

and then admiring the whittle ultrasound of sweet baby #2 in front of the Christmas tree!!

We are feeling oh so blessed - and all we can do is praise the Lord for His gifts that can only come from above!!

We couldn’t be more excited about this tiny little miracle from Jesus just in time for the Christmas season! His Creation truly is beyond words! #genderrevealday

The next day, we got to share our happy news (Click here to see some more happy gender reveal photos)!

Can’t think of anything sweeter than raising little country boys with my very best friend!!

I sure am one blessed blessed mama and feel like I’m in baby blue heaven!!

Here’s to Judson getting a baby brother built-in bestie in little Levi Rhett for all of his days and raising boys out here on our land!!! All I keep picturing is sweet Judson and little Levi Rhett playing together all day everyday out in these fields, woods, and creeks!!! Thank you, Jesus - you have truly blessed us beyond measure!! #itsaboy #babyboyheaven #babyboynumbertwo #buyingland #raisingbabies #raiseemup

Andddd just like that… today marks 2.5 years with my sweet little Judson – the very sweetest days of my life – and what a JOY that we are now expecting another sweet baby BOY… Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

It absolutely melts my heart to think that Judson is going to have a baby brother bestie – all I keep seeing is them running around and exploring out on our farm sweet farm, in the fields and creeks – just like little boys are made to do!! Be still my heart!!

After we found out we were expecting, a loved one shared this quote with me – “The greatest gift you can give your child is another sibling,” and man, I am so grateful and excited that our little Judson is going to be a big brother so soon!!

The Lord has blessed our growing family beyond measure, and we couldn’t be more grateful to now have TWO precious baby boys to love now!! It’s hard to even imagine loving another little baby boy this much, but I have no doubt that my heart will just grow in a whole new way once I’m holding sweet baby Levi in my arms!!

I am LOVING this precious stage and age with Judson – he is so much FUN and always wanting to play outside, is thriving at his little nursery class during my weekly bible study, is talking all the time (his pre-school nursery teachers always comment on how incredible his vocabulary is – and that makes this teacher’s heart of mine smile so big!!), loves to point out his colors, shapes, and count his numbers (he’s a smart little cookie!),

is so caring towards his chickens and puppy bestie Red – and we just know he is going to be the BEST big brother to little baby Levi Rhett on the way!!

Probably the sweetest part about this age is seeing the way he lights up with joy at the littlest things – like his “job” of turning on the Christmas tree lights first thing when he wakes up in the morning!!

He loves to be a “helper,” which makes me so excited to see him thrive as a big brother so soon – and “help mama” take care of baby Levi! He may not fully understand what is going on haha, but he definitely knows that there is a “baby in mama’s belly” – and always rests his little hand there, gives it “kissies” or “pat pats,” or lays his head on my lap these days!

While Judson is ALL BOY (without a doubt!), he has such a gentle, sweet, and caring spirit about him (just like his “Dada”), and he has already been so sweet to me throughout this pregnancy so far!

I say this about every stage (because I love them all!), but 2.5 has been SUCH a sweet spot, because it truly feels like he is my little tiny best friend –

because we can talk and have full-blown conversations now haha – but yet, he is still so little and all he wants to do is snuggle up with his mama to cuddle and read stories!!

I sure do love my sweet mama’s boy!! Eek – I love being a boy mama!!!

Can’t believe Judson is 2.5 years old and going to have a baby brother in the new year! Thank you, Jesus, you have blessed immeasurably more than we could’ve ever asked or imagined!!

… And now here are more special memories since my last blog post –

decorating our home sweet home for Christmas,

celebrating the month of November full of so much gratitude for our little turkey (and the one “cooking in the oven” now too hehe),

going up to the NC Mountains to cut down our Frazier fir Christmas tree (our favorite tradition every single year!),

celebrating Thanksgiving with family and thanking the Lord for His many many blessings this year,

and coming back home to our home all merry and bright!!

We are feeling merry and bright in the Mabry home sweet home!! Click here to see lots of our Christmas decor up! It’s been so special decorating this sweet old family farmhouse (my great grandparents’ home originally - who I bet are looking down from heaven and smiling so big!) and bringing it back to life with candles in the window, garland, our dining room tree (with all of the special ornaments from Wes’ granny and mom over the years), nativity sets, and all the Christmas joy!!

Since having Judson, we have decorated earlier and earlier every year… there is just something about having a little one (and now another on the way!!) that truly just makes it all the more magical - soaking in and experiencing the wonder and awe of alllll the seasons through their precious eyes!!

And we are all for spreading the Christmas joy as long as possible around here - it truly is the most wonderful time of year!!

“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” // John 1:9

There is nothing sweeter than nighttime snuggles by the dining room Christmas tree with my little love (and another in my belly)! I have a feeling this is going to be a “Christmas to Remember” - Judson at the sweetest most fun age, and pregnant with baby number 2!

Thank you, Jesus!! We really want to “savor” (which “savor” just so happens to have been my word for 2023) every single bit of this very last Christmas with just Judson!! Merry Christmas from the Mabry household!!

PS. And for those of you who have asked, I have linked lots of our favorite Christmas decor items over the years on my LTKit page ( -

so make sure to go check it out and “shop with me,” there!!

Do more of what brings you JOY!!!

November is always a month of giving thanks -

and boy oh boy, do I have a lot to be thankful for in this sweet life with my country boys!!

Being a wife to the man of my dreams and mommy to our sweet Judson (& now baby #2 growing in my belly) is truly the greatest gift and such a testament to the goodness of God!

And thank you Jesus for the beautiful changing leaves outside and for all the sweet memories we are getting to savor and soak in with our joyful little Judson these days!!

My heart is just so full! #novembergratitude

The boys and I have been getting so excited for the holiday season by decorating our home (early hehe) for Christmas a couple of weeks back

and had a fun “Friendsgiving” dinner tradition with some of our closest friends over the weekend

(& we are so excited to add 2 more sweet babies to the gang next year)!!

I just love this time of year and the spirit of bringing everyone together!!!

And we also had such a sweet time letting Judson pick out the toys/gifts for his Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child box (for a little boy his same age) -

and it’s been really special getting to teach Judson that the TRUE joy of Christmas is in giving, not receiving!!

Our hearts are so full this time of year, and we have so much to be thankful for!

Click here to see the cutest little turkey craft with the cutest little turkey I ever did see!

It’s been so special talking with Judson about all the many many things we are thankful to Jesus for!! #thanksgivingseason #plentytobethankfulfor

My oh my, do I love spending my days with this cutie pie little turkey (& future big brother)!!!

Truly savoring alllll the joy and making all the memories this special last holiday seaso with just him before little brother is here next year!!

My heart is so so full of gratitude this thanksgiving season - alllll the boys to love and a farm sweet farm to build our dreams on!! I am one blessed mama!!

This is hands-down my favorite season yet -

everything I’ve prayed for and abundantly more!! What a season!! #boymama #landandbabies #whataseason #beyondgrateful #immeasurablymore #allmyboys #thanksgivingweek

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree! #christmastreefarmtradition

Oh what FUN it was getting to continue our very favorite Christmas tradition of all - taking Wes’ red truck up the NC Mountains to pick out and cut down our very own Frazier Fir Christmas Tree!!

Judson picked out the prettiest tree on the farm and my oh my,

it smells delightful (we were so excited for the Christmas aroma fill our little home sweet home)!! #christmastreefarm

From the beautiful views on the drive up,

to letting Judson have an absolute ball running around the Christmas tree farm,

cutting down our very own Frazier fir, drinking hot cocoa in the bed of the truck,

and going on a fun hayride around the farm - it was the very best day and our hearts are ready for the Christmas season

(& sooo excited to think that we will have another little baby with us next year)!! #favoritetradition

Click here to see a video of our sweet time at the Christmas Tree Farm!

These are the Christmas-time memories I will forever cherish with my little (growing!!) family!! #christmastradition

“Thanksgiving Eve” baking is always one of my very favorite traditions of all!!

Click here to see some sweet "thanksgiving eve" baking memories!

And our little turkey lovessss to help in the kitchen these days

and it’s oh so much fun!!

There is nothing like the smell of fresh thanksgiving goodies (& our Frazier fir Christmas tree) ready to share with loved ones!!

We spent “Thanksgiving Eve" morning doing lots of yummy baking

and then had the sweetest “thanksgiving eve” night spent at “RaRa and Papa Jack’s” house

with Judson’s birthday twin cousin - Henry!

These cousin besties had the best time out on Papa’s tractor, playing with all of RaRa’s toys,

and splish splashing in the bathtub together!!

So much to be thankful for this thanksgiving season!!

Happy Thanksgiving from our growing family to yours!! We are so grateful to the Lord for this beautiful life with our first born baby boy Judson, and little Levi Rhett (#15weekspregnant on Thanksgiving Day!!) on the way now, too!!

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” // Psalm 100:4-5

Feeling so so very blessed to get to love and be loved by alllll of these sweet sweet boys of mine, and humbled beyond words that the Lord has now chosen me to be a mama to TWO of His precious children!!!

I will never get over the miracle that it is to carry life inside of my womb! Jesus, you are so good to us!!

We can never thank you enough for your abundance of love and blessings upon our growing family - land to build our family dreams on and now another baby on the way, too!!

I am truly savoring and soaking up this precious last holiday season with just Judson before baby brother is here with us next year -

there is nothing in the world like seeing the wonder and joy of the seasons through your baby’s precious eyes!

The happiest little Thanksgiving Day with our cutie pie little turkey!!

We have so very much to be thankful for this year

and I sure am thankful for this little baby bump (that Judson loves to “pat pat” and gave a kissy to before we said our night night prayers that night) and little Levi Rhett growing in my belly (not a food baby lol) -

so much more to be thankful for this year!!

We had such a FUN time at Wes’ Nana & Pop’s house for thanksgiving #1!!

Love all these people

and love seeing Judson and Henry have a BALL playing together and feeding the goats -

cousin besties for life!!!

And then we headed on to Thanksgiving #2 back home sweet home in Charlotte with my family -

SUCH a gift to be home with all 3 of my sisters

(& all of the babies between us all now, too)!!!

So thankful for big families!!

Happy Thanksgiving y’all!!

We had the very sweetest Thanksgiving weekend with my family back home in Charlotte, and it was so special getting to spend quality time with all 3 of my sisters (+ Kiara)

and all of the babies between us now - such a gift!!

All of the baby cousins had so much fun playing together -

jammin’ by the old jukebox that Papaw had fixed up,

the sweetest snuggles from my littlest smiley nephew Joseph (angel baby!!),

a playground adventure,

a “kids’ night out” with just the sisters and husbands the last night,

so many sweet memories

and so very much to be thankful for!!

And nothing sweeter than coming home from Thanksgiving weekend to our little farmhouse all merry & bright!!

It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year and our hearts are so full!!

It’s gonna be a Christmas to remember! #christmasatthemabrys

Click here to see some special moments spent decorating our "real tree!"

The halls are decked, the Christmas tree and outdoor twinkly lights are up, and I am oh so giddy and excited to experience the magic of the season with the sweetest blessings of all in my growing family!!

There is nothing more precious than seeing Christmas through the eyes of our firstborn baby boy,

and we couldn’t be more grateful or excited to be expecting another little love on the way this Christmas season -

truly makes this season of wonder, joy, and anticipation all the more special!! Christmas blessings and joy abound! Tis’ the season to be jolly!!!

We always go get our Frazier Fir Christmas Tree up in the NC Mountains the weekend before Thanksgiving,

so it’s been sooo special getting to spend this past week or so decorating our real tree (Judson had so much fun helping this year) and letting that heavenly Christmas tree smell fill our sweet little old family farmhouse!!

Wes also went and hung up the lights outside, and our home truly feels like a little Christmas cozy cottage wonderland!!

My heart is overflowing with immense gratitude and JOY this Christmas season, and I am so excited to truly savor every second of this magical last holiday season with just Judson before sweet baby brother Levi Rhett is here with us next year!! It sure is going to be a “Christmas to remember” - Merry Christmas season, y’all!!

And onto a little EMC Note, it is definitely the most exciting (and busiest!!) time of the year for my small business!! I am so grateful for all of your Christmas orders and can’t wait to share all kinds of happy art and cards with so many of you and your loved ones this holiday season!!

And some exciting EMC news (!!!) - Make sure to go check out my latest post over on Instagram announcing the EMC CYBER MONDAY BOGO SALE (I extended the Black Friday Sale until TODAY!!) and message me ASAP to get your BOGO (buy one get one free) orders in today for all of your favorite EMC prints and designs! This BOGO Sale includes ALL of your favorite EMC city/town/school prints as well as encouraging/bible verse prints! These make the BEST Christmas gift ideas and are so easy to customize for all of your loved ones!! Tis’ the Season!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app.

So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) -

where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude and JOY as we head into the wonderful Christmas season with our 2.5 year old firstborn son, and we couldn’t be more excited or grateful to be adding another baby BOY to our family in the new year!!

I have already been given the best gift of all in my growing family!! Thank you, Jesus, for your good, good gifts from above!!



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