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Two Whole Months of Sweet Baby Judson!


“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”

I’ve dreamed of becoming a mommy my entire life and getting to be Judson’s mommy is the greatest blessing from the Lord. You have taught me so much about the Lord’s great faithfulness, kindness, and promises, sweet baby Judson – and your gentle spirit and soft strength has changed my life forever already! Oh, how your daddy and I love you so!

It is so hard for me to believe that we have already been blessed with 2 whole months of our sweet baby boy – Judson Carpenter Mabry. It truly does seem like time is flying by – but man oh man, life has truly never been sweeter and I fall more and more in love with Judson’s precious little personality every single day!

I don’t think Wes and I go a single night without one of us looking at our sleeping little baby and saying, “Wow…I still can’t believe we have a baby!”

And sometimes I truly have to do a “double-take” when I look at Wes and my angel baby boy, because I still can’t believe I am living this answered prayer – thank you Jesus!

Being Judson’s parents has been the most beautiful gift from the Lord and we are truly soaking in every single moment of this special season – and not taking a single second for granted!!

This past month (Judson’s second month of life!) has been full of so many sweet memories – including his one month doctor’s check-up, his first fourth of July, his very first beach trip (and pool experience!), lots of play dates and friend visits, and more!

Judson is still the cuddliest little baby and, like we always say, “loves to be loved.” I truly have been soaking in all of the baby snuggles these days and never ever want them to end!! Judson is such a smiley baby and also loves to “coo” and use his little voice to talk to us now, and it is the absolute most precious thing! It is so much fun seeing him grow into his own little person and he is getting so strong, too! In addition to holding his head up for a while now, he has even started “rolling over” from his tummy to his back this past week, and now loves to show off “his new trick!”

I got super emotional after seeing the doctor (for the first time since delivery) who delivered my baby boy into the world at my 6-week postpartum checkup.

I had no idea that would make me so emotional, but I am grateful more than ever for the staff that delivered my sweet Judson into our arms safe and healthy!

You truly are a miracle, Judson Carpenter Mabry, and I grow more and more in awe of the Lord’s goodness every time I look into your sweet little face!

And this month also held a very special day for our little family as Wes was officially ordained in front of the congregation at Boiling Springs First Baptist Church – the church where Wes was born and raised up in!

I am so proud of Wes and the husband, father, and minister of the Gospel that God has called and equipped him to be. He is a man of God’s word and lives it out in all that he says, acts, and does! I am so thankful for the “village” of people who have raised him up to be who he is today.

Baby Judson and I are your biggest cheerleaders, Wes, and are so excited to see what God has in store for your journey in full-time college ministry! I can’t wait to serve and follow Jesus alongside you for the rest of my days – wherever and to whatever He may call us ahead!

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” // John 15:16

Also, in case you missed the news in my previous blog posts, you can now find me and “shop with me” over on the app. If you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m sharing all of my favorite lifestyle products, baby items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!

You can download the app and follow me here:

Over on the app, I recently shared links to all of our favorite nursery pieces. I have definitely received the most messages about my nursery and have loved getting to share all of our unique “finds!”

Dreaming and putting together sweet baby Judson’s safari-themed nursery was so much fun and I loved seeing it all come together!

We are so thankful for our photographer friend, Hannah Obremskey, who was able to capture these beautiful shots of his nursery that we will cherish forever!

Now onto some sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet baby Judson… precious memories and milestones that I hope and pray I will always remember!

We took Judson on a little pizza picnic out by the lake to celebrate the night before Wes started his full-time ministry job at the church!

Judson and I had our very first “mommy-son date” with our sweet friends, Emily & baby Tucker (who was born just 5 days after Judson)!

We went on a little Starbucks date and then came back to hang out at the house afterwards – so much fun!

Our friend, Hannah (who took Judson’s nursery newborn photos), came over and visited and we had the best time, too!

Judson’s’ 5-week photo shoot!

Living for all of the snuggles and “baby’s breath” these days!!

Judson had his one-month doctor’s appointment – where the doctor said he sure is a happy and healthy baby boy!!

We took another little daytrip to downtown Greenville, and Judson loved getting to be out in the fresh air!

Judson had the best time celebrating his very first fourth of July!!

We rode out to Wes’ parents’ house out in Chesnee to spend the afternoon eating homemade ice cream and hanging out on the back porch!

Judson slept right through the fireworks – right on my chest! He was worn out from all of the fourth of July fun!

My second oldest sister, Laura, and her husband, Luke, got to come and meet baby Judson! Such a fun visit!

I have been taking Judson and Red on lots of walks – especially in the mornings or late evenings when it is a little bit cooler! This particular morning, Wes surprised me and had a Jimmy John’s sub (my favorite!) delivered and waiting for me as soon as we returned from the walk – such a sweetie pie!

Judson slept the whole way down on his first “road trip” to the beach (besides waking him up halfway for a quick nursing session and diaper change) and sure does love car rides!

Seems like we have a little “travel-bug” – which we are thankful for!

It was rainy (due to Tropical Storm Elsa) the whole first day of our short little beach trip with my parents, but we soaked in all of the rainy day snuggles looking out over the marsh!!

We definitely have a “water baby” on our hands!

When the rain finally cleared up, we took Judson for his first “dip” in the swimming pool down at the beach house and he had the best little time!

We got to see the most beautiful sunrise the next morning!

These are the days I dreamed and prayed about!

We are so in love with our little beach bum!!

My parents watched Judson for a little bit so that Wes and I could go out on a walk on the beach!

Baby Judson loved getting to dip his little feet in the ocean for the first time!!

Such precious memories!

Always sweet to have Red back – aka – all of #mysweetboys back together!

“Aunt Caylee” (one of our sweet college ministry girlies) came to meet Judson!

Just another typical day around the house – carrying baby Judson in our favorite “ring sling” (linked it over on the LTKit app for y’all!)!

Baby Judson’s 7-Week photoshoot on the most beautiful hand-crotched blanket that my mom’s dear friend, Allison, created for him!

Just hangin’ around out in the backyard!

Cuddlin’ with my favorite boys!!

SUCH a smiley baby!!

We sure do love tummy time with Daddy!

We took Judson out for lunch outside at The Flock Shop – and the last time we came here was 7 weeks prior…the night before Judson was born (hellooooo spicy food hahha)!!

After lunch, we took Judson to go meet his “great-granny” (Wes’ maternal grandmother) and she was so happy to meet her great grand-son!

Afternoon snuggles on the couch with my boys!

We took our little water baby for another swim at Wes’ parents’ pool and he had the best time!

But don’t let this adorable face fool you…. he had his first big “blow-out” in the car seat on his way here hehe!! #goodtimes

My college bestie, McKenzie, came over to visit and meet baby Judson!

Taking Judson on his very first walk around downtown Sparkle City!

My high school bestie came down to visit baby Judson, too! My heart was SO full getting to see her love on my little guy!!

Another fun day with my sweet baby boy!

8 whole weeks of #judsonandred – the best of buddies!

What family dinners look like these days haha!

Oh and tummy time is a #familyaffair these days too! Wes has got multitasking down these days!!

Can’t think of anything cuter than little baby legs and feet and a baby diaper that says, “humble and kind!”

The cutest little baby in his new outfit from one of our precious college ministry girls, Regan!

The sweetest visit from another one of my dear longtime friends, Emily Zizzi!

Showing off our skills during tummy time – holding his head up and starting to roll over!!

What a strong little buddy!

Our friends Brittni and Ward got to come over and Judson sure did loveeee “Auntie B,” and fell asleep right in her arms!

My favorite little buddy!

A sweet visit from our labor & delivery nurse, Heather – who will always hold SUCH a special place in our heart and story!

Took another little road trip up to Charlotte this past weekend to visit my dad (Judson’s “Papaw”) while my mom was out of town visiting my sister and her baby!! Judson sure does love car rides (praise the Lord)!!

Saturday morning snuggles with my boys – my favorite thing in the whole wide world!

Mid-morning walk around the neighborhood (with coffee, of course)!

Had the best little pool day later that afternoon!

We had the best time getting to visit Papaw!

My new favorite photo of these three… hands down! #mysweetboys

We got to go on a walk yesterday with Kristen and Baby Brewer – we can’t wait to raise these baby boys up to be the sweetest friends!

Happy little buddy loves playing with his wooden play gym (linked it below for y’all)!

And last but not least…Judson’s two month old photo!! I can hardly believe that he is already two months old – but man, it sure does get sweeter and sweeter and we are so in love with our strong and sweet baby boy!!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with another joy-filled month with our sweet baby Judson! Each day and month gets better and better – and I truly never take a moment for granted! These are the days and memories I never want to forget!



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